Despite hating the drug industry with a passion, it makes me a lot of money, which I then invest back into Blackthorn, in an attempt to make it a decent place to live. Since I can’t abolish the drug trade entirely, I made sure that rules were put in place to regulate it.
Nobody under the age of sixteen is involved in the business, no exceptions. They don’t use kids to sell drugs, or to move them, and they sure as fuck don’t sell to them. This is a firm rule, and everyone knows it.
All drugs that are sold in Blackthorn must be pure, and under the OD limit. I don’t allow any product to be cut with other ingredients to bulk up theamount. I’m aware that’s how a lot of dealers make more money, but adding in random products is dangerous, and I don’t allow the extra risk.
Finally, no fentanyl or ketamine. That shit kills people, and it’s so easy to get the dosage wrong. There are enough illegal drugs on the market already, without adding more into the mix.
In exchange for my dealers following the rules, I allow them to keep a larger cut of the profits than is standard. But they all know that if they break my rules, they don’t get a second chance.
I’d heard rumours that B23 were playing fast and loose with my rules, but after a couple of hospital admissions, I had the test results to prove it. I met with the gang's leader, Julian, and his second in command, Sue-Ann.
As soon as I showed them the evidence, things went south, quickly. In amongst the drama, Julian divulged that B23 were considering shifting their loyalties elsewhere, which shocked both me and Sue-Ann, who appeared to know nothing about this.
I politely reminded him that he could shift his loyalties to Jacob, as he has a right to do under the peace treaty, but this is one rule we’re both in agreement on. So he won’t get any better luck under the Santoro rule.
Imagine my shock when he laughed in my face and told me that the Morellis and the Santoros were not the only options.
Apparently, Scott Caprillo has been spreading the word that he’s going to be taking over as leader soon, and he’ll have a whole new way of working. One that will make everyone a lot more money.
My anger got the better of me, and it resulted in Julian pulling a knife, which he managed to slice me with twice, before stabbing me. Miles pulled him away, getting him a safe distance from me, before shooting him in the head.
Miles and I, along with my security team, then shot the six people that were with Julian as back-up. They fell to the floor in a matter of seconds, blood coating the room and us.
Sue-Ann was the only person we left alive, but only so that she could deliver my message. I will never work with Scott Caprillo, and he won’t ever have any power.
Anyone seen to be supporting him, will be in direct violation of the peace treaty, and they will be taken down.
Sue-Ann quickly pledged her allegiance to me as she left, grateful that I didn’t kill her too.
I barely remember Miles driving me home. He dropped me off at the door, letting me know that he needed to check in with his team, as well as getting word out about Scott’s plans.
If I thought the knife wounds were painful, it was nothing compared to howmuch I fucking ached seeing Chloe dripping wet, taking care of me in the shower.
When I’d first arrived home, the look of concern on her face was something I wasn’t used to. She had pulled me into the shower, taking her time to remove my clothes and all the blood, before cleaning my wounds.
Her soft fingers touched me so gently, as though she were afraid of hurting me, and the worry in her eyes made my heart ache. I’ve never had someone look at me the way she does, like she truly cares about me, and I have to admit, it was kinda nice.
Then she got on her knees, looking up at me with those big, innocent silver eyes, just waiting for me to corrupt her, and I couldn’t control myself. I lifted her to her feet, even though it hurt like fuck, because I had to devour her right that second.
Then she’d told me I could have her, and all my restraint went out of the fucking window… Or it would have if the damn hole in my side wasn’t holding me back.
Thankfully, the doctor I keep on retainer had already been notified about my injuries by Miles, and was on his way over. I’d just got out of the shower, dried off as best I could, before pulling on a pair of grey sweatpants, when the doorbell rang.
I clutched the towel against my side, as it was still bleeding a little, and made my way to the door. I opened it to find Mickey Young, my family doctor, leaning against the doorframe.
Mickey is in his late thirties, and although he hasn’t worked with us for long, he’s more than proved himself. He’s actually the son of one of my father’s advisors, and we paid for him to go to medical school, so that when he finished his training, he’d come to work for us.
The doctor he replaced had been with us for years, but wanted to retire. He stayed long enough for Mickey to undertake his training, and the extra years he needed to do in the emergency department at our local hospital, learning all the skills necessary to take care of us.
He still does the odd shift at the hospital, but mainly he takes care of me and Jacob, and our men. Everything from minor ailments to stab or gunshot wounds.
Mickey takes one look at me, rolls his eyes, and pushes his way into my apartment. I grit my teeth, taking a deep breath as I remind myself I’m not allowed to kill him.
Mickey might be the best doctor we’ve ever had, but he’s a cocky arsehole, and he has no respect for authority. He will say what he wants, and he doesn’t care who it offends.
“Well, you look like shit,” he drawls, making his way into the kitchen.
He grabs a glass from the cabinet before pulling a can of Diet Coke from the fridge, looking like he owns the place.