“Are you okay? Is that blood yours? Do I need to get you to a doctor?” I blurt out, each question coming out quicker than the one before.
He’s silent for a moment, not even blinking.
“Marcus, tell me what to do. I’m scared,” I whisper, my voice cracking at the end.
As soon as the last word leaves my lips, it’s like Marcus is woken up with a jolt. He blinks rapidly, the darkness in his eyes receding as his bright blue colour starts to return.
This time when he looks at me, I know he’s really seeing me, and my heart breaks for him as his face falls.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t be scared of me,” he whispers, sounding very unlike the Marcus I know.
I shake my head quickly, trying to stop the tears that are welling up from falling.
“I’m not scared of you, Marcus. I’m scared for you. Is that blood yours?” I say, pointing to his suit that is almost completely red.
He looks down, running his hand over his jacket, wincing as he moves his arm. “No, it’s not all mine.”
“Miles?” I squeak, bringing my hand up to my mouth to cover the sob.
Marcus takes a few steps forward, his arms out towards me, as if he’s going to comfort me. Then he stops, looking down at his blood-covered body.
“No, Miles is safe. This is the blood of an enemy,” he confirms, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
“Are you injured at all?”
Even though he’s said the blood isn’t all his, I still need to make sure he’s not injured.
Marcus winces, like he was hoping not to answer that question. I fix him with a hard stare, making it clear I won’t drop it until I get an answer.
“I have some injuries, but with all the blood, I’m not sure how bad they are.”
My stomach sinks, and my heart races even faster, which I didn’t think was possible. Without even thinking, I close the gap between us and take hold of hishand. Marcus looks down in shock at where I grab him, and we both choose to ignore the way someone else's blood stains my hand.
“What are you?—”
I cut him off, dragging him behind me as I walk into the corridor. “Just come with me.”
I pull him into the main bathroom, which neither of us use as we both have en-suites in our bedrooms. As it’s the main bathroom in the apartment, it’s large and luxurious, and when I spot the giant tub, I mentally chastise myself for not indulging in a soak in here.
The bathroom is decorated similarly to the other rooms in the house. Bright whites alongside a grey feature wall, with grey and white marble tiles covering the areas around the shower, bath, and sink. The grey wall is almost covered with a large mirror and the sink cabinet, which is big enough for a person to sit on.
There’s a large walk-in shower, big enough for at least two people, with a bench seat along one side, and a large rainfall shower overhead. The bathtub is bigger than anything I’ve ever seen, and the little holes dotted around the side indicate it’s a jacuzzi too.
I make a mental note to definitely come in here and enjoy a luxurious soak in the tub at a later date.
With one hand still holding onto Marcus, I open the door to the shower and lean in, turning on the water. I play around with the settings until I get it to the right temperature, not caring that I’ve just leaned under the water fully-clothed, and one half of my body is now soaked.
Since seeing Marcus covered in blood, knowing that he’s hurt, I’ll admit, I’ve not exactly been thinking clearly. I turn to face him, my breath hitching at the way his eyes are roaming over my body, fixating on the wet patches.
“We need to get the blood off you, so I can see what your injuries are,” I tell him, but still he doesn’t move.
Without thinking, I walk into the shower, pulling him with me. He stops just before he climbs in to kick off his shoes, but then he steps into the water, not taking his eyes off me.
Warm water cascades over me, drenching me completely, and I take a step back, pulling Marcus under the waterfall. As the water hits him, his dark hair flops down onto his face, some strands covering his eyes as it trickles over him.
Reaching over, as gently as I can, I swipe the wet strands away from his face, tucking the longer pieces behind his ears, while the others I just slick back, using the water to help me keep them in place.
His gaze remains locked on mine, but I see the way his breath hitches when I run my finger along hisface.