Page 82 of Prized Possession

My mother, on the other hand, takes the opportunity to interfere. “Oh yes, we can’t wait. Can we, Chloe? We will start wedding planning very soon, making sure it’s an event befitting the occasion.”

Her eyes are fixed on me, and I know she’s waiting for me to respond. “Oh yes, it will be, erm, great.”

I couldn’t sound any less enthusiastic if I tried, and both Miles and Jacob snicker across the table, though they quickly stop when my mother glares at them.

Marcus, who doesn’t look amused in the slightest, cuts in. “Well, we should get going.”

“Won’t you stay for an after dinner drink?” my dad asks. “That will give my wife and Chloe some time to discuss the wedding.”

As my dad is speaking, a wicked grin spreads across Marcus’ face, and that’s when I feel the vibration on the egg increasing. I let out a gasp, my eyes wide as everyone around the table turns to look at me.

My cheeks are heating, no doubt turning a bright shade of red as I grab hold of my dress, just for something to squeeze.

I bite the inside of my cheek, trying my hardest to remain still, as everyone continues to stare at me, but it’s nearly fucking impossible not to fidget with this damn egg setting me on fire.

“Are you okay?” my dad asks, looking at me withconcern.

“Sorry, just a bad cramp,” I blurt out, struggling to come up with anything better.

There’s silence in the room, and I’m mentally praying to anyone that will listen to start talking. I’m worried they’ll be able to hear the egg if it stays too quiet.

“We definitely should get going then,” Marcus says.

My mother looks like she’s going to object, and we’re all shocked once more when Jacob interrupts. “Yeah, if Chloe isn’t feeling too well, it's best you take her home. I’ll see you guys out.”

“Thank you,” I say, giving my brother a genuine smile.

As I move to stand, the egg must shift slightly, as all of a sudden, it hits just the right spot and I have to bend over, a low groan slipping out. I look up at Marcus, using my eyes to silently beg him to turn the vibration down before I come in front of my family.

“Oh darling, you clearly aren’t very well. You need to go home and rest right away,” my dad says, looking extremely worried about me.If only he knew.

“Here, let me escort you to the car,” Scott says as he grabs hold of my hand.

“That won’t be necessary. I’ve got her,” Marcus snaps as he takes my other hand in his.

With a bloke on each side, I feel like I’m in the middle of a fucking tug-a-war, and all I really want to do is have a fucking orgasm, not referee a pissing contest.

Jake walks over to us and shakes his head. “Stay here, Scott. I’ll see them out. Marcus, lead the way,” he instructs, taking my arms from them both so I can walk with him.

Miles grabs hold of Marcus’ arm and practically drags him out of the room, but just before he gets to the door, Miles shouts back over his shoulder, “Thank you so much for having us all over for dinner. It was lovely. We’ll see you all again at the same time next week.”

How Miles can remain so calm in situations like this impresses me, but then again, it is his job to remain calm under pressure.Maybe he can teach me how to do it?

He doesn’t wait for anyone to respond, and we all say goodbye as we walk towards the car. Jacob hangs back with me, and I’m grateful he’s threaded our arms together, as I’m struggling to walk thanks to the damn egg.

Every so often, it hits the most delicious spot, and my legs go weak.

“Chloe, you have to be honest with me, are you safe with Marcus?” Jacob is looking at me with a deep, penetrating stare, almost like he’s trying to see what I’m hiding.

“I promise, I’m safe. Come and visit us at his apartment, and you’ll see for yourself,” I reply, amazed I’m able to keep my voice steady.

“So you’re really just unwell?”

Shit, I hate lying to my brother, but I can’t exactly tell him the truth.

“It’s just cramps.”

“Okay, I’ll be over on Tuesday evening.”