Page 73 of Prized Possession

Chloe looks over at me, and the bright smile she gives me is enough to calm my growing anger.

“Marcus is taking really good care of me. I’m actually having a great time. Infact, I was going to ask you to come over some day next week, so we can catch up properly. You know, without prying eyes and ears.”

She nods her head towards the dining room, reminding us that any conversation we have here could potentially be overheard.

Jacob looks over at me, no doubt waiting for me to confirm Chloe’s story. “It’s true. I’m taking care of her, but I know you won’t believe me, so you can come over and see with your own eyes.”


Chloe’s eyes light up. “That’s great. How about Tuesday evening? We can all have dinner?” She looks so hopeful, there’s no way I’d turn her down.

“I’m available,” I confirm.

Jake looks between us, no doubt seeing the way Chloe is smiling at me, that shy blush on her cheeks that she gets when she’s thinking naughty things while looking at me, and he lets out a reluctant sigh.

“Fine, I’ll be there.”

Before either of us can say anything more, Caleb’s booming voice echoes through from the other room. “Children, join us in the dining room, now. It’s rude to keep our important guests waiting.”

I see the way both Chloe and Jacob bristle at being called children, and I let it slide that I’m probably their most important guest. I stand, reaching out for Chloe to take my hand, so I can help her up.

She takes it, and once we’re standing, instead of letting go, she laces our fingers together as we head towards the corridor that leads to the dining room.

Jacob eyes our joined hands and lets out a frustrated huff as he climbs to his feet. Before he’s even made it fully upright, he begins to wobble, swaying from one foot to the other.

He tries to take a step before he’s ready and he loses his footing, stumbling forward as he sways.

It’s clear he’s going to fall, but both me and Chloe are too far away to do anything about it. Just as I’m expecting him to hit the floor, he doesn’t.

Miles, with his super-fast reactions, has sprung into action, and grabs hold of Jacob before he face-plants the floor.

Miles’ arms are wrapped around Jacob as he pulls him back up, helping him to find his feet, even though he’s clearly still wobbly. As soon as Jake’s feet are firmly on the floor, and he’s no longer bobbing around, he looks up at Miles.

Miles is a few inches taller than Jake, and is looking down at him with concern, and something else I don’t quite recognise. There’s a moment where they’re just looking at each other, as if neither can believe Miles got there in time to help Jake, and the tension between them grows.

Then, out of nowhere, Jake’s face scrunches into a scowl and he brings hisarms up in between them, placing his palms on Miles’ chest. He pauses just for a few seconds before pushing him away. Miles is so shocked by the action, he stumbles back, eyes wide and confused.

“Get the fuck off me. Who the hell do you think you are? Don’t ever fucking touch me again,” Jacob yells, pushing Miles again in an act of aggression.

I move to step in, but Miles shoots me a stern glare with a slight shake of his head. This isn’t just about the fact he can look after himself—which I know he can—this is also about who Jacob is, and the peace treaty we have to maintain.

Not to mention, both Jake and Miles are my friends, and if I get involved now, it’ll look like I’m choosing sides.

Although I’ve been friends with them both for years, Miles and Jacob aren’t friends themselves anymore. I’ve no fucking clue when it happened or why, but I think we were around seventeen-years-old when they just stopped seeing each other as friends, and they basically pretended one another no longer existed.

I’ve asked them a million times if something happened, and they stringently deny it, stating that they both realised they’re from very different worlds, and didn’t get on without me there as a buffer.

I didn’t believe them, but after a year of trying to force them to get along again, I gave up.

They seemed quite content just being cordial with each other when needed, whilst otherwise pretending the other person doesn’t exist. This is the first time there’s ever been any open hostility between them, and it catches me off-guard.

I know Jacob’s high, and that’s not helping, but the way he’s looking at Miles, and speaking to him with such venom, makes it very fucking clear these two had a falling out.

Great, another fucking problem I’m going to have to solve.

Miles takes a step towards Jacob, looking angry and confused. He grabs hold of Jake’s shirt, scrunching it into his fist as he pulls Jacob towards him.

“Push me again, Pretty Boy, and I’ll make you regret it.”