Page 64 of Prized Possession

He waits, glaring at me, and that’s when I remember how insistent he is that I use my words instead of head gestures. “No, what is it?” I ask, intrigued.

His eyes sparkle with mischief as he leans in closer, his breath fanning across my cheek. “This, Mio, is a love egg. It’s connected to a remote control on my phone. Here.”

He takes hold of my wrist, turning it so he can place the love egg in my hand, and I curl my fingers around it, shocked at how soft it is. He then takes his phone out of his pocket, and after a couple of taps of his fingers, the egg in my hand begins to vibrate.

My eyebrows shoot into my hairline when it finally hits me exactly what this is. I’ve heard about them before, but I’ve never seen them in real life, which is why I didn’t recognise it. The name never triggered a recollection either, but now I’m very aware what it is, and what it does.

It’s at this exact moment that it suddenly hits me… This is my punishment.

“You don’t expect me to use this, do you?” I blurt out, looking like he’s lost his ever-loving mind.

Marcus chuckles, but his face remains very serious. “I absolutely do expect you to use it. This is your punishment, which means it’s not optional. You are going to put the egg in now, and you will keep it in until we return home after lunch.”

He’s barely finished his sentence and I’m shaking my head frantically, repeating the word ‘no’ over and over again.

“You’ve lost your fucking mind. I can’t go to Sunday lunch with my family with a fucking sex toy in my knickers,” I blurt out, and Marcus full belly laughs at my outrage.

He then leans over until his lips are almost touching my ear. “It doesn’t sit in your knickers, Mio. The egg belongs in that tight little pussy of yours.”

Once again, my cheeks are so inflamed you could probably fry an egg on them, if it weren’t for the way I’m rapidly shaking my head to protest.

“No. Absolutely fucking not. How the hell am I supposed to walk with this in? Even when it’s not turned on, it’ll feel too full. I can’t do it.”

Marcus takes a step back, and thankfully, with a press of a button on hisphone, he turns off the vibration. His eyes glare at me as he fixes me with a stern expression.

“This isn’t up for debate, love. This is a punishment. If you don’t want to make things even worse, I suggest you put the damn egg in right now, so we can be on our way.”

“Worse? How the hell can it get any worse?” I splutter.

This time when his lip tilts up, his smirk is pure evil. “You forget, I have control of the egg. If I need to make this punishment more severe, I can always turn the vibration onto its strongest setting at the worst possible moment. Say when you’re hugging your dad goodbye, or getting a lecture from your mother on how you’re dressed?”

I blame the stress of the whole fucking situation, as it never even occurred to me that he might activate the bloody vibration whenever he chooses.

“You can’t be serious? You plan on using that thing on me whenever you choose? No fucking way,” I snap, putting my hand on my hip for emphasis. I’m about one freak out away from stomping my foot for good measure.

Marcus lets out a dark, humourless laugh as he takes a step towards me, his stern glare fixed on me. “This isn’t up for discussion, Mio. Either you put the egg in, or I will. But remember, the longer you delay it, the worse I will make things for you.”

There’s a dark threatening edge to his voice that tells me he’s not messing around.

“I-I don’t… I mean, how…” My words trail off as I struggle to admit that I’ve got no fucking idea what I’m doing.

Clearly, I’m giving in, as I don’t want to make this punishment any worse than it needs to be—or already will be—but I don’t know the first thing about inserting a love egg.

I have a small bullet vibrator, but I’ve only ever used it on my clit, I’ve never put it inside. Then again, if it were a normal vibrator, I don't think I’d have any problems, but the egg isn’t exactly a standard shape, and it’s making me nervous.

Marcus reaches out and takes the egg from my hand, before slowly moving it up to his mouth. I then watch with my mouth open—most likely with drool dripping down—as he sticks out his tongue and swirls it around the egg.

In a motion that’s far too fucking sexual, he proceeds to get the egg as wet as he can, even going as far as sucking the tip of the egg into his mouth, while sticking out his tongue to swirl around the edges. It’s so erotic, and I can feel my core heating with each swipe of his tongue.

Once the egg is coated, he holds it by the string, that sexy smirk of his back again. “Here you go.”

Fuck, those three little words, combined with everything else, has probably ruined my knickers to the point I will need to throw them away, or maybe just burn them.

I don’t know what the hell possesses me to utter the next words that come out of my mouth, but once they’re out in the world, there’s no turning back.

“Can you do it for me?”

“Can you do it for me?”