The words rush out of him in a way I’ve never heard before. He’s almost babbling, saying whatever comes into his head, and I hate how fucking adorable it is.
Without thinking, I reach out and place my hand on his arm. His gaze flicks to me, his eyes darken in a way that makes my thighs clench.
“Thank you,” I whisper, hoping it’s enough to convey what I’m feeling, while stopping his adorable rambling.
We both stand frozen, just staring at each other as the air around us seems to crackle. As always, Marcus regains his composure much quicker than me, and he pushes the door to my new room open, breaking the weird bubble we just found ourselves in.
I take in the room, and I’m shocked by how much I like it just the way it is. Compared to the other rooms, this one feels the most homely.
It has pale blue walls, deep mahogany furniture, and the biggest bed I’ve ever seen, with a deep midnight blue duvet covering it. Seeing the cute little throw cushions in various shades of blue scattered over the top makes me want to dive onto the bed.
“It’s beautiful,” I say as I cast my eyes around the room again, catching more cute little details, like the fluffy rug on the floor.
“Like I said, you can change anything,” Marcus replies gruffly, like he thinks I might not mean it.
“I don’t want to. I really do love it.”
This time when his piercing gaze fixes on mine, that signature smirk of his turns into an actual smile. “I’m glad you like it. Nobody’s ever stayed in here before.”
“Why do you have so many rooms if you don’t have guests?” I blurt out.
He shrugs his shoulders. “Miles has claimed one of the rooms, and then the other I showed you is the one I tend to use for when people stay over, as it’s the furthest away from my room.
“With this one being right beside mine, I’ve always left it empty, but I meant what I said, I want you to have a space that’s all yours. Having a room no one has ever stayed in before seemed to fit that bill.”
Without thinking, I reach out and grab his hand, squeezing as I smile up at him. “Thank you, that means a lot.”
He looks down at where our hands are connected, not even blinking. I should pull away, but the warmth from his touch is too much. My whole fucking hand is tingling, and I can’t bring myself to drop it. I’m a little surprised that he hasn’t.
In true Chloe fashion, my brain decides to ruin the moment with a bit of verbal diarrhoea when I say the first thing that comes into my head, consequences be damned. “Did you mean it when you said you wouldn’t touch me while I’m here?”
His eyes flick between mine and our hands, his brow furrowing as my words ring loudly in the air. Clearly misunderstanding my question, he lets go of my hand quickly, almost like it burnt him.
“Sorry, I did say I wouldn’t touch you,” he mumbles, taking a small step back, as if trying to clear his head. But that’s the last thing I want.
Finding a confidence I didn’t know I had, I take a step towards him, crowding his space.
“Actually, you initially said you wanted to teach me to be a slut, to help give me back the control I crave, but then you said you wouldn’t touch me. Forgive me for being a little confused.”
The last part comes out much snarkier than I’m expecting, and Marcus tries not to smile when he hears it. This time, he takes a step towards me, closing the already small gap, so he’s very much in my personal space.
In fact, he’s so close I can feel the warmth of his breath fluttering over my lips, and my mouth suddenly feels very dry. Even running my tongue over my lower lip doesn’t seem to help.
I hear an almost unperceivable gasp, and my eyes flick up to Marcus, who’s watching my tongue trace its path. He looks almost hypnotised, but then his face scrunches up like he’s in pain.
“I meant it all. I can give you everything that you’re looking for. I can teach you and torment you, without ever touching you. If you want me to touch you, you’ll have to beg first, and I’ll only do it when I want to,” he explains, his gravelly voice rasping beside my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
“I don’t understand.”
Talk about stating the fucking obvious. I can’t think clearly when he’s this close, and all the blood has evacuated my brain for other areas.
“Sit!” he snaps, pointing at the bed.
There’s a small part of me that wants to tell him I’m not a fucking dog and I don’t take demands, but all good sense appears to have left my brain, and I’m seated on the edge of the bed before I know it. My legs move of their own accord, propelled by my vagina.
“You want to be in control? You want to feel powerful?” He phrases them like questions, so I simply nod, my mouth far too dry to find actual words right now. “Do you believe you can achieve that by giving up control?”
My brain spins as I try to make sense of his question. “How can I gain control by giving it up? That doesn’t make sense.”