“To come,” he mutters, his cheeks flushing red as tears of shame trickle down his face.
All three of us start laughing, and he looks completely humiliated.
“Fuck, no. We’re not going to make this good for you. If you come, we want it to hurt, so you feel every drop of humiliation that Chloe felt when you forced her body to betray her,” I snarl, stepping away from him when my anger builds to the point I want to stab him again, ending our fun before it begins.
Instead, I take my seat again, watching with amusement as Miles turns up the power on the machine, while Jake taunts Frank mercilessly.
They degrade him, call him names, and mentally torment him over his reaction to being fucked.
It’s not long until he comes for the first time, his cock spurting against the table, as Frank cries with a mix of pleasure, pain, and shame.
Jake makes sure to point out that now he’s come, it can’t be rape. That he clearly enjoys it, since he blew his load everywhere, and Frank’s humiliation is there for all to see.
Still, we continue fucking him, the machine never letting up, even as he continues to come. After he’s blown his load for the fourth time, it’s too much for Frank, and he becomes almost incoherent. Screaming and begging for it to end, whilst admitting how much he loves it.
In the end, he willingly admits he’s a whore for cock, and he even offers to suck us off or let us fuck him, as long as we turn off the machine for a bit.
The more we laugh and taunt him, the more humiliated he gets, yet hedoesn’t stop begging. All he can think about is getting us to turn off the machine.
When he comes for a fifth time, he actually blacks out for a moment. The intensity of the situation clearly became too much for him, and as I look at my friends, we’re all silently in agreement.
Miles slaps him around the face, bringing him back to consciousness, while Jake humiliates him further.
“Wow, you must really be a whore for cock. You love it so much you passed out from the intensity. Do you like the feeling of having your dirty hole stretched with a dick so much bigger than yours?”
“Yes,” Frank sobs.
“And if we bring a string of men in here and tell you to suck their cocks, what would you do?”
“I’d suck them off.”
Franks drops his gaze to the table, looking ashamed of himself, which only makes me smile.
“You’d swallow all their loads like a fucking dirty cum dumpster, wouldn’t you?” Jake laughs, sounding a little manic.
“Yes, I would.”
Miles kneels down beside Jake, making sure Frank can see him. “If we turn off the machine, will you beg for a real cock?”
“Yes, I’ll do anything,” he pleads, his eyes widening in hope.
“If you don’t, this punishment will seem like a walk in the fucking park. Do we make ourselves clear?” Miles’ tone takes on a threatening edge that has Frank agreeing instantly.
As Miles turns off the machine, not bothering to be gentle when he pulls the dildo out, Frank cries and thanks us relentlessly. Jake unties him from the table, making sure to leave one ankle connected, so he can’t move too far.
We leave him there, sobbing uncontrollably, his dick hard and covered in dried cum, his arsehole gaping in a way he won’t ever recover from, as tears stream down his face. He curls up into a ball on the floor as we walk towards the door.
“We’ll be back soon for more fun,” we tell him as we leave, his sobs growing louder before we slam the door behind us, locking him in.
I turn to my friends, who both have matching satisfied expressions.
“Well, that was a good day. I’m going home to my girl… I’ll see you in the morning.”
As my eyes flutter open, I’m shocked to find I’m the first to wake up. Normally, Marcus is wide awake, watching me as I sleep, but this morning, he’s still fast asleep.
I roll back slightly, trying my best not to disturb him, but I want to take advantage of this moment the way he does. I’ve never understood what he gets out of watching me sleep, but as I lean back just enough to look at him, it suddenly makes sense.
He looks so young and peaceful, all the harsh lines of his face that he uses to create the dark, angry vibe he has going on have softened, making him look almost serene.