“Fuck security clearance. I have a right to be here, you’re fucking my fiancée. I should kill you right now,” he screams.
I can’t help but laugh at his ridiculous behaviour, which, not surprisingly, seems to wind him up more. I’m more shocked when my father speaks up.
“No matter the circumstances, we are your leaders. You just made a threat against my son’s life, which I take very seriously. So unless you want me to shoot you on the spot, I suggest you calm your temper and behave like an adult.”
Scott goes to speak, but Ewan stops him.
“I’m sorry, my son didn’t mean what he said. He’s just very emotional right now, as this is a huge display of disrespect.”
“I understand that, but threats will not be tolerated,” my father snaps, making it clear that will be his only warning.
Ewan nods his head, a sombre expression on his face as he keeps a grip on his son’s arm. He then turns to Caleb, trying to sound as respectful as he can.
“As our loyalty is with you, Mr Santoro, as is our marriage deal, we’d like to formally escalate this matter.”
Caleb looks more than a little annoyed, but it’s not clear if it’s at the situation or the Caprillos. He turns to my father, wincing as they glare at each other.
“The rules in this situation are clear.”
He shuffles around behind his desk, making a point not to make eye contact with his daughter, who is tense and unmoving beside me. I stroke my thumb over the back of her hand, but still her grip remains tight.
Caleb then turns his attention to me. “Marcus, these photos are evidence enough that you have clearly broken, not only the arrangement made at the time of this stupid bet, but also the treaty between our two families.
“As per the bet, you we’re not to touch Chloe, and you made a point of saying that you weren’t interested in sex?—”
I cut him off, deciding now would be a good time to correct him.
“Actually the terms of the bet were rather vague. I said the bet wasn’t sexually motivated, but I didn’t agree never to get involved with her. I specified that if Chloe was interested, she’d need to be the one to make the first move.
“I also clearly pointed out that when you made the marriage contract with the Caprillos, they knew Chloe wasn’t a virgin, and there was no arrangement in place stating she had to remain celibate until her wedding. So, us entering into a relationship neither broke the agreement of the bet, nor your marriage contract with the Caprillos.”
“Like hell it fucking didn’t,” Scott shouts, trying to jump to his feet, only for his father to grab him and pull him back down.
“Silence,” Caleb yells, making Chloe gasp beside me.
I turn to look at her for the first time since we entered the room, and she looks visibly terrified. Tears are filling her eyes, but she’s trying her hardest not to let them fall. She’s pulled her lower lip between her teeth, and I’d be surprised if she’s not drawn blood.
What scares me the most is the almost vacant look in her beautiful silver eyes. She’s staring at a spot above her father’s head, making it look like she’s paying attention, but I can tell she’s not. She’s not blinking, just staring out into the abyss, no doubt as a way of protecting herself from whatever is about to happen.
The fact these arseholes are making my girl so terrified makes my blood boil, and I grind my teeth together to prevent myself from lashing out.
Caleb glances between us and the Caprillos, looking more annoyed each time. He stops on me again, attempting to intimidate me with his icy cold stare.
“Even if you get away with the bet, on a technicality, it doesn’t change the fact you’ve broken the peace treaty between us.”
Chloe takes in a shuddered breath, and I feel her eyes on me. She’s no longer trying to zone out. Now, she’s very much aware of the shit situation we’re in, and my heart breaks at seeing how devastated she looks.
“However, I’m willing to give you a chance to make this right,” Caleb adds, and both mine and Chloe’s gaze flicks over to him.
Chloe looks hopeful, and I want to tell her that this won’t be the reprieve she thinks it is. Whatever Caleb is about to offer, it’s not going to be good, but I nod for him to present his case all the same.
“You will end the bet right now. Chloe will move home and marry Scott, as agreed, and after you’ve paid a fine to the Caprillos for offending them, we can put this whole mess behind us. I think it’s more than a fair deal,” Caleb explains, his chin in the air as he tries to make himself seem magnanimous.
I’m about to unleash my anger on him for such a stupid fucking request when Chloe drops my hand, my flesh tingling from her absence.
I look over to see she’s staring at the floor, tears trailing down her face. She looks defeated, and my heart cracks open.
She thinks I’m going to hand her over to Scott, and pretend like the last six weeks together didn’t happen.