“Guys,” she whispered, then buried her face in Dibi’s fur, wrapping her arm around Marta’s neck. The pair wiggled closer. Then she felt a warm hand on her back. Pulling her face out of Dibi’s neck, she looked up to find Riaz crouching beside her.
“Hey,” he whispered, brushing her dark curls back from her face. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”
Dibi and Marta barked in agreement. Kaia laughed again. “Thank you,” she whispered. Slowly, she inhaled, then let the air out through pursed lips. “You’re right. I’m fine.”
“You’re beautiful,” he told her, then kissed her softly. “And you’re safe.”
Kaia nodded, then turned to Dihrain. “Sorry about that.Normally, I can control myself better than that.”
He shook his head. “No need to apologize, Ms. Treon. The information I’ve read about Ethan Howell’s exploits tells me that your reaction is entirely justified. The man is a monster in the truest sense of the word.”
“Thank you,” she replied. He couldn’t know how amazing it felt to feel validated, to know he took her seriously. For years, more than a decade, she’d been trying to get someone to hear her, to have someone else understand what Ethan was capable of. Dihrain was the first to believe her.
No, that wasn’t true. She looked at Riaz and, with a blinding flash, understood what was happening. Riaz had believed her first. He’d listened. He’d brought her here to be safe. He’d…she loved him!
“Kaia?” Riaz prompted, seeing the tears filling her eyes.
“I love you!” she blurted out, then slapped her hand over her mouth. With wide eyes, she stared at Riaz, praying that she hadn’t actually spoken those words out loud. Had she?
There was a soft snick of a door closing as Dihrain left the room. But her consciousness and her eyes never left Riaz.
The slow, amazing smile that lit up his rough features stunned her. Instead of laughing at her, or pretending she hadn’t spoken, Riaz leaned forward until their lips were only a breath apart. Then he whispered, “I love you too, Kaia!”
He kissed her. It was a soft, coaxing, reassuring kiss. She leaned into it. She kissed him back with all of the tenderness she couldn’t seem to hold inside of her whenever he was around. She loved this man. She loved that he understood her. He believed her!
Her hands cupped his cheeks as she kissed him back. “I love you,” she murmured, needing to say that again. “I’ll mess up, Riaz,” she told him. “I will hurt you.”
“I love you, Kaia. I love your strength and compassion.” He pressed his forehead against hers, tangling his fingers in her hair. “I love every damn inch of you!”
“I’m messed up.”
He chuckled. “We all are, love. It’s how we use those scars that differentiates us from the monsters.” He looked into her eyes. “You have fought to protect yourself and your sister for fifteen years.” He kissed her again. “Now, you’re going to marry me and fight by my side.”
She laughed, but couldn’t stop touching him. “I am?”
“Absolutely,” he replied back, his voice firm. “You’re going to find each and every monster in Bidar and defeat them. One by one. And I’m going to help you.”
She laughed and threw her arms around his neck. “That sounds like a lovely idea!”
He stood up with her in his arms. They stood like that for a long moment, just holding each other until Dibi and Marta grew impatient at being left out of the celebration. They barked, then pressed their noses against Riaz’s thigh.
Riaz and Kaia looked down at the canines, still holding each other. But at the pleading in the dogs’ eyes, they both laughed. Kaia turned to Marta and gave her a whole body rub, smiling at the wagging tail of the ferocious beast. Riaz did the same for Dibi, as the pair moved closer, dancing around their legs as if they were celebrating as well.
After giving the dogs more affection, Riaz straightened and looked at Kaia. “Should we finish this?”
Kaia’s smile shifted from adoration to determination. “Yes!”
Chapter 19
Ethan cursed under his breath as he stared at the newspaper in the cheap hotel room. “What the hell is going on?”
The news article had a picture of some royal guy, Sheik something or other. Ethan didn’t know who the man was, nor did he care. The only aspect of the image he cared about was that Kaia was there and another man was touching her!
Or maybe not?
His eyes squinted at the image, doubting what he was looking at. Maybe it wasn’t her?
The woman in the picture wasn’t dressed in the ratty tee-shirt and faded jeans that he’d always seen Kaia wearing. The woman in the picture wore a pair of expensive sunglasses and a well-tailored suit. And heels! Damn, those slutty shoes were hot! The white suit clung to her curvy ass, but the top smothered her breasts. He didn’t like the suit, but he wanted this woman even more now. Kaia had always been a beauty, but when she dressed up and put on makeup, she was…stunning!