‘I understand. I promise, Bianca. You’ll get your say. Is there someone there with you?’
‘I’m fine,’ she says, composing herself. ‘I’m okay. But I wanna have my say. This is my direct number. Call me, okay?’
‘I will. I promise. We’ll set it up.’
She hangs up before I can ask her anything else. I pause, before handing the phone back to Meredith.
‘We’re interviewing Bianca Lawson in January,’ I state, looking to both of them. ‘And that goes no further, understand? It does not leave this room.’
Duncan sucks air through his teeth. ‘Lexi Hart, you are playing with fire.’
‘I’m just doing my job.’
‘Those lot find out… we are fucked.’
‘Then let’s make sure nobody finds out.’
I swallow the lump in my throat. My head is telling me to go for it.
My heart is telling me that maybe I’m doing the wrong thing.
Chapter Thirteen
‘Who are all these people?’ I say to Meredith as we enter the observatory bar, decked out in the style of a gentleman’s club. The room is wall-to-wall suits, Rebel Heart band members amongst them. The boys have dressed – or have been made to dress – for the occasion.
‘Industry types,’ Meredith says. ‘The great and good of the Aussie music scene. Some journalists. Some of the local tour organisers, I think.’
‘And who arethey?’ Duncan asks on the other side of me.
Meredith giggles. ‘That’s the support act for the shows. Local Aussie girl band called Haven.’
My stare follows the direction of Duncan’s gaze, my jaw dropping for a moment. Three girls are drinking and giggling together, dressed in matching bodycon dresses, suspenders, thigh-high boots, bodices and bunny ears. One is a brunette, one a blonde, and one a redhead, though it really seems that that is their only distinguishable feature. It occurs to me that none of the three is above the age of twenty-two or twenty-three.
‘Can we interview them for the documentary?’ Duncan says, gawping.
I watch Meredith conceal a smile. ‘Why don’t you go and talk to them?’ I say. ‘You don’t need my help.’
Duncan looks nervous. ‘I’ll grab a wee dram first.’
‘He’s adorable,’ Meredith says when he’s gone. ‘That deep voice can melt hearts.’
‘Are you talking about yours or more generally?’
Meredith’s cheeks flush. ‘Oh, I didn’t mean mine… my heart. What I meant was… he’s cute. I don’t think he’d be into a girl like me. You know… short, saccharine American.’
I raise an eyebrow. ‘You might be surprised. And you might be small, but you, Meredith, are perfectly formed.’
A server passes us by with drinks on a tray. I grab two glasses, handing one to Meredith. I take a long sip. When I look back over the rim of my glass, Aidan McArthur’s eyes are on mine and I try not to choke on my drink.
He’s wearing shiny black shoes, a pair of charcoal-coloured suit trousers with a matching fitted waistcoat, a subtle check pattern on them, and a white shirt underneath with an open collar and the sleeves rolled up. The whole package makes him look devastatingly handsome. He’s had a haircut too. His own glass is empty. I lower my drink and feel a jolt go through me as his gaze moves unambiguously down my figure in my dress. I stare back at him, as though the room has somehow emptied out and we are the only two left.
The sight of him makes my stomach roll over.
‘Lexi? Are you okay?’ Meredith asks.
‘I’m going to go and join Duncan at the bar,’ I mumble, my concentration shot to hell, as from the corner of my eye, I watch all three members of Haven saunter over to Aidan.
The squelching in my stomach feels oddly like jealousy, and I’m not sure I know how to handle it. Jealousy is not in my DNA. At least I didn’t think it was.