‘Hey, I’m like the oracle, Shez,’ Cal says. ‘What I say goes. Can’t hold me down.’
Chet and Sheri are laughing. ‘Do we need, like, a bit of impartiality here?’ Chet asks.
‘I’m going with Aidan again, the voice of reason,’ Sheri says. ‘Aidan. I think the question on everyone’s lips is… is this a revenge track?’
I watch him again. He is the epitome of cool. ‘A revenge track? No, no. It’s not a revenge track, far from it. As many people know, it came about because of something that may or may not have been put into a tweet that may or may not have gone viral… but this isourresponse to that tweet. Because we never got a proper chance to respond. But when we did respond, we wanted to get our response right. All credit to Cal though, he wrote most of the lyrics, because it was his ego that took a gigantic bruising.’
‘And that’s why we love our Aidey, people,’ Cal interjects drily.
I focus on Sheri, who’s blushing. ‘Well like I said, I am so excited for this one, I think it’s gonna hit the big time, and we are debuting it in a matter of minutes!’
There is more whooping. More applause.
‘J.B., what do you think the fan reaction is gonna be to this record?’ Chet asks. ‘I mean, can you maybe say it in French for us, mate?’
J.B. leans forward. ‘Ils vont perdre la boule,’ he says smoothly into the mic.
‘Is that rude?’ Sheri grins. ‘Do we think that’s rude? Are we going to get into trouble here for saying that live on air?’
There is laughter from everywhere. I smile.
J.B. grins. ‘It means… they’re gonna go crazy.’
‘Doesn’t really mean that though does it, mate?’ Chet cackles.
‘Ravi, one for you,’ Sheri segues. ‘So, for the listeners at home, who obviously can’t see us here in the studio, people should know you guys have got cameras following you, we’ve got a couple of people in here as we speak, what’s that all about?’
‘Yeah, we’re doing a documentary,’ Ravi confirms. ‘Fly-on-the-wall. It’s gonna be out on Silverpix at some point in future. All access, BTS stuff. This is Lexi and Duncan, Lexi’s our director.’ My eyes meet Aidan’s and I look away.
‘And is it weird having the cameras all the time?’ Chet asks.
‘Cal says it makes him feel like Kim Kardashian,’ Miller laughs.
Chet interrupts the laughter. ‘On that note. The countdown is less than thirty seconds away, I think we’re ready to introduce the new single… who wants to do it?’
The boys are all shouting Cal’s name. Sheri shushes them all.
‘Caleb Whitlock, right back in your hometown, please can you introduce Rebel Heart’s new single for us?’
Cal leans forward into the mic. ‘Whaddup, Sydney and beyond. This goes out to my homeboys in Bondi especially, this is gonna blow your minds, people. Behold… Rebel Heart’s latest hot track… “Shame. About. My. Face”.’
I can already hear the start of the track beginning to play as the room bursts into yet more applause.
Outside the studio building, cars are waiting. I remove my cardigan, having gone from winter to summer overnight. Barricades have been set up, behind them a few hundred girls who’ve turned up to see their idols. I feel like covering my ears, unprepared for the volume generated by shrieking females. Ziggy and Bodhi allow a short time for signing autographs and taking pictures before the boys all wave and climb into waiting vehicles.
Bodhi ushers Miller, J.B. and Ravi into the first car. Aidan and Cal walk towards the second car. I’m already in the back of the third car with Duncan when Aidan gives two knocks on the roof and sticks his head inside.
‘Hey, Dunc, you mind riding with Cal and Ziggy back to the hotel?’
Duncan looks up. ‘So long as it’s not Miller I’m riding with.’
‘It’s the one in front, mate. Miller’s in with J.B. Cheers.’
I feel my entire body stiffen. Duncan’s gaze flits to mine, as though asking my permission, but also reminding me of our conversation at the restaurant back in Seoul, and that I’ve barely dated anyone in the past two years. As he gets out, I see Aidan give him a slap him on the back. The leather crunches as he claims the seat beside me, closing the door behind him.
Within a few seconds we are pulling away, my eyes still on the barrage of placards being held up by surging Rebel Heart fans.
‘They’re dedicated, I’ll give them that,’ I murmur.