Meredith gives a single nod and is already tapping on her phone. ‘I’m gonna find out who her agent is.’
Meredith leaves the suite. Duncan is packing up the lights.
‘You okay?’ I ask.
‘Aye. Wanna get food later? All I seen o’ Seoul is the inside of a couple hotels.’
‘Definitely. We can either celebrate or commiserate that we’re still here.’
A smile tugs at his lips. ‘I dunno, Lex. I think secretly you’re kinda relishing this.’
I raise my eyebrows, surprised by his statement. ‘In a personal or professional capacity?’
He straightens, having secured one of the black Peli cases. ‘Maybe a wee bit of both.’
Though it’s a concert night, Duncan and I excuse ourselves from filming and take a walk from our hotel to a Korean barbeque restaurant. Duncan pushes his hands into his pockets and I hook my hand over his lower arm. Meredith decided she wanted to go and watch Rebel Heart perform at the Sky Dome for a second night in a row.
We order cold beers, gyoza and black ceramic bowls of bibimbap, which comes sizzling with a fried egg on top.
‘So come on, honest opinion,’ Duncan says, digging hungrily into his food. ‘Are you enjoying this or what?’
I swallow a mouthful of beer and stifle a laugh. ‘Do Ilooklike I’m enjoying this?’
‘I’m serious. Last night… when you were being questioned by the lads. It’s the first time in a while I’ve seen you have any fun.’
A memory flits through my mind. Me giving myself an orgasm because I looked at a few pictures of Aidan McArthur with his shirt off.
‘I’d just gambled my career on answering questions about a boy band. Where’s the fun in that?’
‘What I mean is, you were relaxed. And they accepted you.’
‘Not all of them.’
‘Ach, Lexi, I’ve never seen you let a fella stand in the way of you getting where you needed to go.’
It takes me a moment to answer him because my mouth is so stuffed with food. ‘Aidan McArthur doesn’t bother me.’
‘I think he does though. Bother you. Maybe just a wee bit.’
I’m frowning as he finishes his beer. ‘What does that mean?’
‘Come on, Lex. When did you at least try to like a fella? Actually take an interest in one? I know plenty who’ve been interested in you. I include myself in that bracket.’
‘Aidan McArthur is five years younger than me.’
‘So? I’m three years younger than you and I was your fella. Even if you didn’t want me in the end.’
I cock my head to one side and give him a sympathetic look. ‘We said it ourselves. We would never have lasted.’
‘I know that. But how many guys have you been with, eh? In the last two years since me?’
I shrug, embarrassed. ‘One or two.’
‘That last one. The poet, was it?’
‘Oh god, he was awful.’
‘Aye, was mad keen on you though. Look all I’m sayin’ is… one day you’re gonna have to let somebody in.’