I feel my insides flip over, a sense of dread in answering his question. ‘Uh, not much.’ I smile. ‘It was quiet.’
‘Were you with family?’
‘My father lives in Los Angeles, so he was there with his wife. My mother died when I was young and I’m an only child, so…’
‘I thought you went to Duncan’s,’ Aidan says.
I look at him, biting my lip, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. ‘I didn’t go in the end.’
Aidan stares at me in astonishment. ‘You spent Christmas Day on yourown?’
‘Oh, Lordy,’ Olive says as she doles out food onto plates. ‘Well next year, you’re very welcome to come here.’
‘Thank you,’ I say with a smile, feeling Aidan’s eyes on me.
‘Aidey spends New Year’s alone a lot these days,’ Jo-Jo says.
‘Not out of choice,’ Aidan grumbles.
Rohan grins at me. ‘He’s been banished.’
‘Why’s that?’ I ask.
‘New Year’s is a big night at the pub,’ Paige explains. ‘We mostly all work behind the bar, and it’s all hands on deck. Three years ago, about a thousand teenaged girls showed up on New Year’s Eve, all wanting a glimpse at Aidey pulling pints behind the bar. It was absolute carnage. There was nowhere for anyone to go, the locals were all up in arms, and the police had to be called because of overcrowding. Dad said Aidey wasn’t allowed to work behind the bar from then on. The following year we banished him to his room and we started issuing tickets so we can monitor the numbers.’
‘I do always offer to come and spend it with you, darling,’ Olive smiles at him, patting her son’s hand. ‘Your friends never seem to want to come and join you.’
Aidan massages his forehead as though he’s not enjoying being the centre of attention.
‘Have the band ever been here for New Year?’ I ask.
‘Can you imagine if that got out?’ Rohan snorts. ‘Rebel Heart all here? We’d have to employ an army of security.’
‘They know they’ve got a blanket invite,’ Paige says in my direction.
‘You just want J.B. to show up,’ Aidan says to his sister and her cheeks flush.
‘Uh, yeah? Because he’s hot.’
‘And taken. Miller’s single.’
‘Ugh. I wouldn’t go near that manwhore.’
‘What’s a manwhore?’ Georgia pipes up from her chair.
‘Yes,thank you, Auntie Paige,’ Rohan hums in disapproval.
‘Tell me!’ Georgia demands.
‘It’s someone who kisses lots of girls,’ Paige tells her with a wink.
Georgia pulls a confused face. ‘But that’s what Daddy says about Uncle Aidey!’ Georgia then says and laughter erupts around the table. Finally, Aidan cracks a smile.
This is what I miss. What I never had. Family dynamics.
Chapter Twenty-Three
After I film a long, deeply competitive session ofJust Dancein the living room – one where a tenacious seven-year-old was triumphant – I’m helping Paige load the dishwasher in the kitchen. Aidan’s gone with his father and Rohan to make the final preparations for the fireworks tonight.