For the next minute, I engage both Duncan and Meredith in conversation, aware of the heat of Aidan’s stare but resisting the temptation to turn and look. I only know he’s standing behind me when Duncan straightens his back, his chin jutting out in a protective stance.

I feel Aidan’s fingertips caress my elbow.

‘Hey, beautiful,’ he whispers close to my ear. ‘Can we talk for a second?’

I might have told Duncan and Meredith, but in my mind, I question who he’s told.

I feel his breath against my neck. The last time I saw him, his lips were kissing me there.

‘No,’ I say, without turning to face him. ‘We can’t.’

He retreats a single step. ‘I need to explain a few things.’

‘I think the internet saved you the trouble.’

‘Lex.’ His voice is pained. ‘Can we please just go somewhere? Please.’

‘I don’t think you understand,’ I reply, keeping my tone purposefully light, still refusing to face him. ‘You don’t get to have me. Not after today.’

‘It isn’t what it looked like; Iswearto you.’

I whirl around and hiss at him. ‘I will no longer trust anything you say. You can keep your girlfriend. It’s alright, Aidan. I don’t care.’

He places one hand on my arm. I snatch it away. Near me, Duncan is paying attention, his look murderous, Meredith standing as stiff as a post, a cocktail in her hand.

‘You look incredible tonight. Just come somewhere with me, please.’

‘Duncan’s taking me to dinner.’

Aidan raises his voice a fraction, visibly frustrated. ‘Okay, so what’s it gonna take for Duncan to switch places with me?’

‘Mate, you’re all over the news,’ Duncan interjects at full volume, pushing in between us and squaring up to Aidan. ‘Anyone looking online can see it. You think you can treat her that way and she’ll turn a blind eye?’

I’m stunned. Aidan is caught off guard but meets Duncan’s hard stare. I take a step back as tensions boil over, Duncan shoving Aidan, sending him flying into the side edge of the bar. Aidan angrily shoves him back. Before I know what’s happening, the other band members all come over. They’re looking at me and I wonder if they know that there is something between me and Aidan. Because, judging by the looks on their faces, they all know. And they’re all on tenterhooks, ready to dive into this fight if they need to.

‘This is nothing to do with you,’ Aidan snaps at Duncan.

Duncan shakes his head. Furious. And suddenly, I know what’s coming.

‘I know her better than you think and I know she deserves better—’

‘What does that mean?’ Aidan questions, his eyes flashing to me. ‘Is there something I should know about?’

I can’t look at him. ‘It was a long time ago…’ I manage to mutter, but it’s enough that he can put two and two together.

A ripple goes through the bar. Whispers. My stomach turns over. Aidan is taken aback. He looks to Duncan, then back to me, then to Duncan again, his chest rising and falling.

‘Duncan’s yourex?’ he questions incredulously.

I raise my chin. I may not like Duncan revealing our history in front of everyone, but right now I have to hold my cameraman in higher esteem than I do Aidan McArthur.

I swallow. My eyes flit to Meredith, who looks terrified.

Danny Miller steps forward, putting himself between the two men and squaring up to Duncan, with everyone in the bar area looking our way. ‘Think it’s time you got the fuck outta here,’ Miller snaps.

Duncan takes a step forward, the rage in his eyes something I’ve never witnessed until this moment. He towers over Miller. ‘Well tell your friend he’s a lying scrote. And you’re no better either.’

It’s obvious Miller is about to throw a punch when Ziggy’s voice cuts above all the commotion. ‘Riight,’ he snaps. ‘What is going on ’ere then, eh?’