‘“Aidan McArthur sparks reconciliation rumours with ex-girlfriend Samara Al-Noori as the pair are pictured holidaying in Dubai.” Got a few pictures of him with the girl. They’re on a massive boat.’
‘Are they…?’
Duncan goes silent for a moment. ‘Aye. Couple of images.’
His words cut through my skin, tears stinging my eyes. I hold out my hand, and he passes me his handset. I skim the contents of the article, which contains precious little detail, but enough to make me tear up. There’s no mistaking the paparazzi photos taken on a yacht, not so far from here. They are as plain as day.
‘Guess we just rumbled the real reason behind the moratorium,’ Duncan says grimly.
Emotions explode in my brain. Hurt. Anger. Insecurity. Did he lie to me about Miller trying to persuade the others?
I hear my phone vibrate. I reach into my bag for my handset, seeing the name on screen, my chest tightening.
‘It’s him,’ I say.
‘Don’t answer. Send it to voicemail.’
I take Duncan’s advice, drawing my knees up to my chest. Moments later, Aidan’s name flashes up again. ‘He’s calling back.’
‘Slippery bastard. Block him.’
Once again I send the call to voicemail. Then the messages start coming.
Hey. Can you call me when you pick this up?
Need to talk asap.
Been thinking about you. Need to see you.
A x
I press the bridge of my nose. He’s calling again. ‘Do I talk to him?’
‘That depends. You’re just gonna get excuses. I’m not gonna say I told you so.’
I look at Duncan, feeling like I want to cry. ‘I think you just did.’
I toss my phone into my bag. A minute later, it vibrates again. ‘He’s not giving up,’ I say, only when I pull out my handset it’s Ziggy’s name I see. I wonder whether, if I answer, it’ll be Aidan’s voice that I hear.
‘Ziggy,’ I say, cheerful. ‘How are you?’
‘It’s Dubai, innit. I love this gaff.’
‘I’ve been to worse places.’ I try to chuckle, but my insides are completely cut up.
‘Listen, you got plans for tonight? We’ve got drinks lined up at about six over here in the bar at the hotel. Private function. You’d be welcome to join us. Without cameras, of course.’
‘Six o’clock. Just in time for happy hour cocktails.’
‘Right, that’s kind. Are Duncan and Meredith invited?’
‘Thank you. Yes, we’ll… we’ll think about it.’
‘Great. Hope to see yas later then.’