‘So don’t,’ Aidan snaps.
‘Will youstop?’ I plead with him.
‘You know, this would go a lot smoother if we all just tried to get along,’ Ravi says with a hopeful smile.
‘I’ll play nice when they can send someone who has a genuine interest in us, Rav, instead of wasting our time,’ Aidan argues.
‘You see, that’s where you’re wrong,’ I say, folding my arms across my chest, a tremor in my voice. ‘I am not here to waste anyone’s time. But you won’t let me film anything. And I’m interested. I’ve sat around all day and learned everything there is to know about all of you.’
‘I know a way we can fix this!’ Ravi exclaims, clapping his hands together like a seal. ‘We design a quiz. If Lexi gets all our questions right, she can film us. If she doesn’t, she doesn’t get to film.’
‘No, no, I’ve got a better idea,’ Aidan says and I swear I’ve never seen him more wolfish. ‘If Lexi gets all our questions right, she can stay. If shedoesn’t… she has to leave and the documentary dies with her.’
I snort. ‘That’s ridiculous. I’m not agreeing to that.’
‘You said yourself, you’ve done your research now.’ Ravi grins. ‘So, let’s see what you know.’
Duncan and Meredith have moved closer. I’m quiet for a moment. An idea floats through my brain, one that involves serious self-sabotage. I’d have to go to Vaughn to say I’d been forced from filming due to irreconcilable differences. That it was physically impossible to do my job with the amount of resistance I’d encountered from the Rebel Heart band members. I could turn it around and blame it all on them. I could be released from my current contract.
I’ve got an Oscar. I can find other funding. I can go back to my original plan and kiss all things Rebel Heart goodbye.
I raise my chin a fraction. ‘Fine. Questions can only be based on what’s available on the internet. I don’t know what brand of underwear any of you wear and I don’t know what kind of car any of you drive. They can only be based on what’s out there in open media.’
Ravi’s grin widens. Behind him, Meredith’s eyes are like saucers, and not in a good way. ‘Ten questions in total. Two on each band member. You have to get at least… seven out of ten.’
‘Nine,’ Aidan states flatly.
‘Six,’ I say.
‘Eight,’ Cal, J.B. and Miller all stay together.
‘And Aidan can’t set any of the questions, because he’ll make them impossible for me to answer,’ I add.
‘Deal,’ Ravi says before Aidan has time to object. ‘Do we shake on it?’
‘Hold up,’ says Aidan, before I shake. ‘Are we saying if Lexi doesn’t get eight out of ten questions right, she has to leave? As in go?’
‘I believe that’s what we’re saying, yes,’ Ravi says cheerfully.
Aidan nods, a smile curling onto his lips. He pushes the hair from his face. ‘Then I’m all in.’
I stare at them all. My heart’s racing. If I lose, Vaughn Herrera will have my head.
‘Then let’s do this,’ Ravi says, and I wonder if I can blame temporary insanity on what I’m about to do.
Yes, I’m about to do aquizto find out if I get to keep my job.
The boundaries of professionalism are looking shakier by the minute.
Chapter Ten
‘Lex, have you gone insane?’ Duncan hisses at me in the corner of the suite, where Meredith stands beside me, verging on hyperventilation. Ziggy has disappeared off to bed; so have the remainder of the crew. On the sofas, the boys huddle together discussing questions for me, Aidan banished to sit by himself, but by the way he’s leaning over, I can see he’s desperate to contribute.
‘It’ll be fine. I’ve got a good memory.’
I try to sound assured. Duncan raises his brow, because I know he can see right through my invented confidence.
‘Mer,’ I say. ‘Remind me of all their birthdays.’