‘Here’s the thing, Lexi,’ Vaughn continues. ‘I’m happy for you to do the red T-shirt documentary. But, first, I’m gonna need you to do something for me. I need you to go and film Rebel Heart on their world tour.’

For a moment, his words sink in. Once I’ve fully digested them, something explodes in my gut. ‘Mr Herrera, I really—’

He holds up one hand to silence me. My lips move up and down, yet no sounds emerge.

‘I know what you’re gonna say.Vaughn, I don’t do boy bands.I don’t do pop stars.I do social injustice, but… I care about two things. Viewing figures. And more households signing up to Silverpix accounts across the globe. Give me five of the hottest young singers and dancers on the planet with their shirts off, or some raggedy T-shirt floating in the Pacific Ocean; I know which demographic is gonna be streaming hours of which show. And the numbers for Rebel Heart… they’re gonna be stratospheric. They’re gonna take this company to the next level. So… do this one thing for me. Go film Rebel Heart. Then I’ll fund your T-shirt project. I give you my word.’

My chest rising and falling, I can’t formulate a response. Judging by the look on his face, Vaughn seems to take this as my taciturn agreement.

‘So, the tour is currently… where is the tour now, Meredith?’

Meredith speaks for the first time, her voice coming out in a squeak. ‘They’re about to arrive in Japan.’

‘Japan, right. You’ll need to leave soon; Meredith can get you booked on flights departing for Tokyo in the next couple days.’

‘In the next couple of… days?’ I choke out.

Vaughn gives me a rat-like smirk. ‘No time like the present.’

‘C–can I take Duncan with me?’

‘Sure,’ Vaughn grins. ‘Take whoever you want. But you’ll also have Meredith.’

‘I will?’

‘Meredith will act as your assistant for the duration, and she’ll be able to keep me updated with your progress. She was working with the previous director.’

I try not to look desperate. ‘I’ve never needed an assistant. I assure you, I’m very self-sufficient.’

‘Then consider Meredith’s presence a luxury. Get her to fetch you coffee in the mornings, anything you please. She’ll do it.’

Meredith forces a smile. The conversation feels like it’s spiralling.

‘I… I usually have a little more time to prepare.’

‘Meredith can assist you with all the preparation you need. Just be sure to commence filming as soon as you arrive in Tokyo. We’ve already lost a chunk of time.’

Meredith attempts a serious look, but I’m not sure what to make of her being here. Is she being sent to spy on me? ‘I can talk you through the members of the band,’ she says. ‘The tour is calledReunification, after the band re-formed following their break-up. Maybe we could go for coffee and talk about it?’

‘So, we’re good here?’ Vaughn says, banging his hands on the table before I can respond, and huffing to his feet. I feel my hand being pumped again. ‘I’ve got another meeting to go to. Lexi, it’s been a pleasure to see you again. We’ll be checking in with your progress. Best of luck on the tour. See, didn’t I tell you? Bigger is better!’

With that, Vaughn departs, leaving me alone with Meredith.

My eyes slip shut. When I open them again, Meredith is squeezing her fingers together, wincing.

‘Did you wanna go for that coffee now?’ she asks.

I wobble to my feet, feeling nauseous. ‘Actually, I wouldn’t mind a little fresh air.’

It’s dark when I enter my two-bedroom flat, not far from the banks of the south side of the Thames River. After the meeting, I’d marched out of Silverpix HQ, bending over double when I reached the nearest street corner.

The first person I’d called was my agent, Simone Clair.

‘Do I get a choice in the matter?’ I blathered over the phone, marching up and down Shaftesbury Avenue in a pair of very uncomfortable high heels, the handset glued to my ear. ‘As in, can I pull out?’

‘You can, but remember you’re under contract with Silverpix,’ Simone explained. ‘You’re lucky you’ve had full creative control up to this precise moment. I don’t know much about Vaughn Herrera, but I’ve heard he can be pretty formidable to deal with. And you most definitely do not want to make an enemy of him.’

‘ButRebel Heart? Really? A documentary about aboy band? How am I supposed to look my peers in the face ever again?’