I glance over at Aidan. He’s now bending Ziggy’s ear. ‘Definitely no risk of me doing that. Thelassiesare all welcome to him.’

Duncan fails to conceal his smile, sipping the last of his bottle of beer.

‘What?’ I ask.

‘Nothing. Just wondering when you’re gonna let a fella pay you some attention.’

‘What’s that got to do with anything? We’re talking about Aidan McArthur here.’

‘It’s funny, that’s all. Trust you to make an enemy of one of the most lusted after fellas on the planet.’

‘I don’t see it.’

‘Aye,’ Duncan sighs, winking at me. ‘You never do.’

I ignore him. ‘Meredith’s here,’ I blurt, seeing Meredith enter the bar, having changed into a low-cut black dress and boots. She definitely looks the part in smoky eye make-up. I tilt my head at Duncan, indicating that he should provide the new arrival with some company. ‘Alright, I’m going,’ Duncan grumbles, getting off his chair. ‘But don’t think it means anything, right?’

Whilst he goes one way, I go the other, pushing through the growing crowd and seeking out Aidan, but ending up in front of Ziggy, who tonight wears a jacket over a different tour T-shirt and is sipping on a bottle of Sapporo beer. The lounge area is now heaving and I’ve lost Duncan altogether.

Ziggy leans towards me. ‘Something you need?’ he asks.

‘I just wanted to say that I’m not here to cause problems,’ I shout back over the din.

‘Then don’t cause any,’ he says. ‘Do what you need to do and don’t disrupt the balance, eh?’

‘I wanted to ask why you think Aidan is so upset that I’m here?’

Ziggy rocks back on his heels, drinking his beer. ‘Overprotective, that one. Keep tryna tell him he can’t control everything. Them lads could have imploded after a few years of this business. But they held fast. Didn’t let it get to their heads. Aidan is a big part of the reason for that.’

He’s waving his bottle around as he speaks. I look around the crowd, attempting to spot any member of Rebel Heart.

I excuse myself, walking back towards Duncan, sitting on a sofa with Meredith, a wide gulf between them, like they’re on a bad date. Meredith’s gaze flits towards Miller, who is sat nearby and deep into kissing the dancer he led away earlier, his hand grazing the girl’s thigh.

Duncan leaps to his feet on seeing me approach. ‘I’m gonna head back to the hotel. Jet lag’s killing me,’ he says. ‘Could do with some kip.’

‘You don’t think you should stay with Meredith?’

‘She’s your assistant, you stay with her. She’s not a wain.’

‘I was going to try and find Aidan.’

‘He’s over there.’

He nods his head towards one corner of the bar. Aidan’s talking to J.B., the latter leaning up against a wall.

‘You’ll be alright?’ Duncan asks.

‘I’ll be fine. You go.’

Duncan bids me goodnight. I look to Meredith, checking she’s alright. She grants me a smile but I sense something is off with her. One of the dancers takes a seat next to her, so I decide to take my chance and work my way around the backs of the sofas to get to Aidan.

J.B. gives me a big grin as I approach. Aidan looks to the floor.

‘You do not have a drink, Lexi,’ J.B. hums at me in his delicious French accent.

I look down at my empty glass of champagne. ‘I drank it,’ I say limply.

‘Let me get you a new one,’ J.B. responds, taking my empty glass from my hand.