‘Well, I haven’t decided yet. Do you remember my mate Billy?’
‘How could I forget?’
‘He lives here now with his girlfriend. I was supposed to meet them in that pub over there tonight. We don’t have to though. We can just go home.’
‘No, let’s go. I’m curious to see what kind of a woman would find that moron attractive.’
Eve eyed Ellen up with a certain amount of disdain. Frank wasn’t clear on whether that was because of Ellen’s poshness, her career choice, or her beauty. Irrationally, he hoped it was because she still had feelings for him. Judging by the way she hung onto Billy though, there was no chance of that.
‘I’m amazed you’re still with this eejit. I thought you’d be long gone by now,’ said Billy.
‘And I’m amazed an obnoxious cretin like you could have a girlfriend,’ said Ellen.
Eve burst out laughing. ‘She’s got your number, Billy. Actually I’m his fiancée. We’re getting married.’
‘As soon as I can afford the ring,’ said Billy.
It took a few seconds for Frank to process the information and come out looking happy about it. ‘Congratulations. I’m pleased for you. I didn’t realise.’
‘He only proposed this morning. It must have been seeing you again, Frank. You’re my lucky charm,’ said Eve.
Ellen slipped her arm through Frank’s. ‘That’s a coincidence. He’s my lucky charm too.’
‘Two women. One lucky charmer,’ said Billy, without the slightest hint of irony in his voice.
Frank raised his glass. ‘Sláinte. Here’s to you both. I hope you’ll be as happy as me and Ellen.’
Eve clinked her glass against his. ‘Sure, that’s a tall order, but we’ll do our best not to disappoint.’
Frank supped on his pint and said nothing. They already had.
The pride of champions
Frank came up off the beach by another cottage that was set back from the road. He guessed it was Doogie’s. There was no sign of life in there. He was probably still at the farm. But when he got to the farm, Frank saw no sign of Doogie there either. Perhaps he’d gone for another run. Perhaps he was doing a hundred press ups, on one arm, somewhere along the beach. He looked the sort. Frank had never looked the sort, not even when he was younger. He’d always felt a touch intimidated by fit people. Especially if they were your partner’s ex-lover.
Martin and Finn were up and by the looks of it had finished breakfast.
‘Morning,’ said Finn.
‘Where have you been?’ said Martin.
‘The beach.’ Frank held up his pad and paints. ‘I wanted to catch the sunrise.’
Martin and Finn both raised their eyebrows, either in surprise or admiration. Frank didn’t know which and he didn’t bother asking. Instead, he pegged his damp underpants to the tent’s guy ropes.
‘Have you had an accident there?’ said Martin, loud enough to wake any other campers who foolishly thought they could expect quiet at that time in the morning.
‘Nope. I went for a swim.’
Martin did a double take. ‘Did you just say you went for a swim?’
‘Well it was more of a quick dip really. The water’s freezing,’ said Frank.
Martin snorted. ‘Er, yeah. What else did you expect? This outdoor life’s messing with your mind, FB. A man in your physical condition needs to be careful. You could have had a heart attack.’
‘I think it’s great. Well done, FB. We should all do it,’ said Finn.