Ma stood in the doorway fiddling with her jumper. ‘I just wanted to say, you go girl.’ She raised her fist in the air like one of those athletes on the winner’s podium. The geriatric version, obviously.
‘Right! Thanks Mammy.’
‘I’ll leave you to pack.’ She started to close the door, then she opened it again. ‘You’re a good girl, Siobhan. You’re my rock. Well, you and your daddy.’
Siobhan waited until the door was fully closed before dropping down onto the bed in shock. ‘Well fuck me.’ Where the hell had that come from? Must be something in the water over here. Or maybe it was that Birmingham curry.
He’s our eejit
Netta went upstairs to find Siobhan. The bedroom door was open. Siobhan was at the window, looking down onto the street where Frank, Finn, and Martin were gathered.
She tapped on the door. ‘I was just coming up to tell you Finn was leaving, but I guess you can see that.’
Siobhan turned to look at her. ‘Thanks, but I’ll leave those three to wring out the last bit of man love before he heads off. It’s been a long time coming. Can I ask you something? Do you think I was mad to spend the night with Adrian?’
‘Not at all. He’s lovely. Not the sort who’d take advantage of a woman,’ said Netta. Adrian was quite the dark horse, now that she thought about it. ‘I think he likes you.’
‘Thanks. I needed to hear that. I’m not the sort who takes advantage of a man either, by the way. I like Adrian too, and it gets lonely sometimes.’
‘I know.’ Netta was going to add on both counts but she could see there was no need.
‘Will we keep in touch?’ said Siobhan.
‘I’d like that.’
‘And about that business with your man, Doogie. I wouldn’t worry about it. Frank will tell you when he’s ready. That might take some time though. He’s a bit of an eejit.’
Netta laughed. ‘Yes, but he’s our eejit.’ The wine had loosened her tongue the other night and she’d confided in Siobhan almost as much as Siobhan had confided in her. But it was true, there was nothing to be gained from pushing it with Frank. It really didn’t matter.
‘Too right,’ said Siobhan. ‘You’ll take care of him, won’t you? Don’t feel sorry for him though, he’d hate that.’
‘Of course. We take care of each other. No pity involved. That’s not how we roll, as the young folks say.’
Siobhan opened her arms and gave Netta a hug. ‘I knew I was going to like you, as soon as I saw you.’
‘And I knew the same. As soon as I heard you calling Martin the Scarlet fucking Pimpernel.’
Siobhan’s eyes narrowed for just a second. Then she tipped back her head and laughed out loud, and so did Netta. They were new friends. Maybe in time, they’d be more than that.
We have half a day
‘I’ve done a once over in your cupboards, Frank. Not good.’ Finn was standing outside his van, all ready to go.
Frank smiled. ‘Is that you putting me on notice, Finn Meister?’
‘It is. When I get back home, I’m going to send you a list of healthy foods to look out for. And we’ll get your exercise plan going as well.’
Frank gave Finn a salute. It didn’t sound much like fun but he knew he was going to be in good hands.
‘You’re in for it now, FB,’ said Martin. ‘Let us know when you’re back home safely, cousin.’
Finn nodded. ‘We’re doing that road trip next year, for sure. Adrian’s up for it, I talked him into it last night.’
‘Adrian will agree to anything when he’s drunk,’ said Frank. ‘I’ll talk to him about it next time I see him.’