The first thing they did when they woke the next morning was get out of the van. The three of them had spent the night in there again and to say the atmosphere was a bit ripe was an understatement. The smell of light sweat and stale beer hung about their bodies and, once again, there had been farting. Not just Martin this time. Frank distinctly recalled a farting competition which Martin naturally won hands down. Or should that be arse down? Either way it was a good craic, something he never thought he’d say about a decidedly puerile activity that he hadn’t indulged in for an exceptionally long time.

Rebel was up and looking very perky considering how much they’d had to drink last night. ‘Beautiful morning.’

Frank looked up at the ice-blue sky framing the distant snow-capped mountains. It was indeed beautiful and not for the first time did he wish he’d brought his paints with him. In their absence he took photos on his sorry looking phone. ‘To remind me when I get back home. I’d like to paint them,’ he explained.

‘No explanation needed. Now then, we have enough food left to rustle up a rather unhealthy breakfast. What say we do that?’

Ren’s side door slid open. ‘I’m good with that. Fort William’s close enough for a stock up.’

Rebel clapped his hands together. ‘Let’s get started then. Care to assist, Frank?’

‘I would.’ There had been a change in Frank. Nothing seismic. Nothing he could put his finger on, but it was just possible that he might be starting to enjoy this trip. Last night they’d sat around the fire talking until the early hours. Rebel, Ren and Finn had entertained them with their travel stories. Frank had taken his turn cooking on Rebel’s luxury camping stove and made a one pot concoction that had received plaudits all round. When the skies cleared, they marvelled at the incalculable number of stars, and he was amazed at the contentment that was filling the soul he didn’t even know was empty. This morning he felt good. Better than good. He felt alive.

‘Where was that place you mentioned last night, Ren?’ said Martin. ‘The one with the beautiful beaches on the west coast.’

‘The Ardnamurchan Peninsula. There’s a good, quiet little campsite to the north of Sanna Bay. It’s got the basic amenities, but that’s it. The owner’s a farmer. Nice lady. You can buy fresh produce from her. This time of year, you should be able to get in on spec.’

‘I’ve been there before. It’s a fine spot and it’ll be grand for cleaning up,’ said Finn.

Martin’s face lit up. ‘Sounds great. Will we go there next, lads?’

‘Sure, why not,’ said Frank before he realised that might be the place where Doogie lived.

After breakfast, they packed up and got ready to set off. They were going to Fort William first, for fresh supplies. Ren was going that way too before heading east. Rebel was aiming for the north.

‘You don’t fancy coming with us?’ Frank was reluctant to see the back of them both, but it was Rebel that he knew he’d feel the loss of most.

‘I’ve had my people fix for now. I need a few days of solitude.’ Rebel shook Frank’s hand. ‘Goodbye, Frank. With any luck we’ll bump into each other again. If not, I hope you find what you’re looking for.’

‘I’m not looking for anything, now that I’ve found Martin.’

‘Ah. My mistake. Enjoy the rest of your trip.’

Frank got in the car, more puzzled than anything. He’d sensed a kindred spirit in Rebel, but he had no idea where he was going with that statement about finding what he was looking for. Still, he was a nice guy. He’d have to tell Adrian about him. Ade would find the whole trip very funny. It’d keep him going with piss-taking material for months. Now that he thought about it, he’d like to bring him up here one day. It had been a long time since they’d done anything together. Ade would probably enjoy it. Eventually. Maybe the four of them could do another trip. Him, Adrian, Finn and Martin. Although it could just as easily be five of them if Billy came too. But then, Billy wasn’t likely to do that, was he?

He bought some watercolours and a pad in Fort William. Then he called Netta and told her about the adventures he’d been on since their last call, only missing out a few embarrassing details, like his fall and the farting contest. What happens on the mountain, stays on the mountain and all that. ‘We’re in Fort William now. I’m strangely unnerved by its hustle and bustle, and it’s not even that big.’

‘That must be how Doogie feels when he comes away from his place.’

‘What did you say it was called?’

‘Oh, it’s a funny long name. It’s on the very western tip. I’d have to look it up. I can send it to you later.’

‘No, don’t worry. I don’t suppose we’ll be anywhere near it. I think we’re heading back up north. Or possibly east. We haven’t fully decided yet.’

‘Pity. You’d like it there.’

‘Well, you never know. I wouldn’t rule it out,’ said Frank, the guilt already stinging him for his little lie.

‘Sounds like you’re getting into the spirit.’

‘I am. I’ve decided to embrace the danger.’ He thought of Billy again, laughing at his idea of danger.

‘Well, it’s good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes.’

‘You think I need to get out of my comfort zone?’

‘Not just you. We all do, don’t we? Otherwise life becomes a bit … you know, same old, same old?’