What would they look like filled with joy? With desire? With... gratitude?
The thought hits me like a punch to the gut.
I want her willing. I want her alive.
It's a revelation that shakes me to my core. Never before have I cared about the state of my prizes, only their beauty.
How dare that pathetic excuse for a dark elf covet what's mine? Those eyes belong to me. I've claimed them the moment I saw them. The captain thinks he can just waltz in and take her? Fuck that.
A messenger rushes up to the captain, whispering urgently in his ear. The captain's face contorts with rage, veins bulging in his neck.
"Fuck! Take her to my quarters. I'll deal with this first."
He storms off, leaving the guards to drag the woman away.
Perfect. I fall in step behind them, my mind racing.
How can I get to her without raising suspicion?
The guards' eyes slide over me, seeing only another faceless soldier. Their complacency will be their downfall.
The guards shove her into the captain's quarters, slamming the door. I linger nearby, straining to hear. Her muffled sobs pierce through the wood, each one twisting something deep inside me. It's an alien sensation, this... concern for another being. I should be revolted by my own weakness, but instead, I find myself drawn even more to her.
Then her voice changes. The sorrow transforms into white-hot fury.
"You bastards! I'll kill you all! Every last one of you!"
Her words drip with venom, sending a delicious shiver down my spine. This is no broken victim. This is a woman with fire in her veins. My kind of woman.
"I swear by all that's holy, I'll have my revenge! Even if I have to crawl back from the depths of hell itself!"
My lips curl into a grin.
Oh, she's perfect. Those eyes, that spirit - I must have her. But how?
I pace the corridor, my disguise itching like ill-fitting skin. I could simply slaughter everyone and take her. But no, that would draw too much attention and blow the mission I was sent here for. I need subtlety. My mind races, considering and discarding plans rapid-fire.
Her curses continue, each one more creative than the last. I find myself chuckling at her inventive threats.
Who knew humans could be so delightfully vicious?
An idea begins to form, taking shape like a sculpture emerging from raw clay. Perhaps I don't need to rescue her at all. Maybe what I need is to give her the means to rescue herself. To fan those flames of revenge into an inferno.
But first, I need to get her alone. Away from prying eyes and pointed ears. The captain's quarters are too well-guarded, too central. I need to move her somewhere isolated, somewhere I can work my magic without interruption.
My eyes glint as a perfect idea forms in my head. While I don't like soul binding contracts, I can make an exception for her. This fiery human with the captivating eyes deserves more than a quick death or a life of misery.
She deserves vengeance, and I'm just the demon to help her get it.
As I finalize my plan, a strange excitement builds within me. It's more than just the thrill of the hunt or the anticipation of a new prize. There's something else, something I can't quite name. A feeling of... possibility. Of change.
For the first time in centuries, I find myself looking forward to more than just the acquisition of a new pair of eyes. I want to see what this human will do, how far she'll go for her revenge. And perhaps, just perhaps, I want to be there to witness it all.
The game is about to change, and I can't wait to play.