“You’re running because you know you’d fail me,” I snapped back. “It’s inevitable, because you’re both the liars I knew you for when we first met. You’re fucking bastard liars! Just accept it!”
“Yes, we’re liars,” Boss said, “because we’re fucking human. Goodbye, Sy.”
He turned, and Two held my gaze for a moment before turning with him.
I felt as if Katherine were standing just past them, shaking her head in shame.
Unless I did something drastic, it was over. Really over.
Aiden wasn’t wrong about any of it. King wanted to see us fail. He wanted to prove we were the liars he claimed we’d been all along.
Before I knew about his past, I could tell myself everything was okay. I was fucked up and looking for an outlet for my pain. But now that I knew about King’s darkness, to keep playing his game was only hurting him that much more.
Aiden and I had to go before we made a mistake.
As I grabbed hold of the doorknob, I heard a sound—something primal—and turned to see King lunge at Aiden.
He punched and kicked, his body going through a violent tantrum unlike anything I’d ever seen from him. His face locked in a cringe, he kicked Aiden in the crotch.
As Aiden bowed, King took advantage, knocking him to the floor and pouncing on top of him. He was shouting the whole time, though I only seemed to make sense of the words as he began punching into Aiden’s face. “You ruined everything! You destroyed everything!” he yelled, his voice shrill.
“King!” I stooped down and seized his arm, yanking him away from Aiden. “Stop it! Stop it!”
But the thrashing continued, and his nails dug into my cheek.
“Fuck!” I called out as he drew blood.
Aiden recovered from his attack and hurried to his feet, grabbing King by his other arm to restrain him.
“No! No, let me go!” He managed to get away briefly, but then continued his attack on me.
As soon as Aiden managed to pull him away, King clawed at his own face.
“This is what you do to me! Don’t you see how you’re hurting me!”
I seized his wrist to keep him from hurting himself.
“Get him to the sling,” Aiden said, and I immediately knew what he was up to.
“Let me go! Let me go, you traitors! Fucking lying traitors!”
We lay him in the sling and cuffed his wrists, hoping to restrain him, keep him safe while he had his outburst. His face was red, the marks on his cheeks visible, surely matching the ones he’d given me.
“Is this what you want, Two?” His brown eyes glistened as they watered. “Do you want to control me like this? Go ahead! Fuck me! Give it to me! You know that’s what you want! Go ahead. Show your master how much you despise him truly! The reason why you fucking lie! Why you all fucking lie!” He rattled the cuffs as he continued to struggle against them.
I could tell by how aggressive he was that he was only hurting his wrists the more he fought. “Please stop, Your Majesty!”
“Don’t act like I am your King as you betray me!Ahhh!” He howled like some kind of animal.
I heard a knock at the door, then another.
“King?” One’s voice came from the other side.