Page 45 of King of Liars

Mom and her friends whisper about Katherine now, say bad things about her. They don’t trust her anymore, but I do. She’s trying to help me. She’s been trying to help me for so long.

“The knights can’t protect us unless we do as they order us to. Please. We have to chase the evil out of you.”

She’s right. I know she is. But I’m so tired of the pain…and the horrible things the knights make me do with her. She doesn’t want to do it either, I know, but it makes me sick having her lips on my body, the way she makes me feel when I have to release the white stuff.

“Do you trust your Queen? Your Queen who loves and adores you? Or are you failing me like the others? Are you a liar like all the rest?”

Katherine hates liars.

“No, I’m not a liar!” I insist. “I haven’t told anyone! I haven’t broken the rules! I promise!”

“But you must trust me too. Trust me to help you, please. Let me do this for you.”

I tear up, my body feverish.

“Do you want this evil inside you forever?”

I shake my head. “I don’t want the thing inside me again.”

She squats before me, as she did several years ago when I first came to her.

But the nightmares have only gotten worse, and I fear the demons inside me. They make me think bad things, and they make me fear the dark. They summon even worse things into my life, and if I don’t get rid of them, I will be hounded until I die, Katherine says.

Katherine isn’t wearing her dress. I don’t like looking at her without her clothes on. It doesn’t feel right.

“Come on, Little Prince. We’re in this together, aren’t we? I don’t want to hurt you, but I have to so we can heal you. You know it takes time.”

Time. So much time.

“Go by the bed and get in the position,” she says. “We must obey the knights.”

She kisses me on the mouth. Slowly. “Come on, my special prince.”

She’s helping. She wants to heal me.

I head to the bed and ready myself so she can begin the treatment.

She hits so hard, until I scream.

Why is this evil inside me? Why won’t it go away?

“Pray to the knights, Little Prince.”

I obey, whispering, “Please, Knights, come and save me. Heal me from the evil. Make the monsters go away.”

She hits again, and I scream, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Somebody please help me!” I cry out to the knights, who never seem to come, before feeling another powerful slap against my ass, one that leaves my legs quivering.



King had his arms raised over his head, bound in restraints that hung from a rope Ryan had secured to the exposed wooden beams across the basement ceiling.

I slid my cock steadily within him. Ryan, Hole, and One had taken their turns already, but it was still somewhat challenging because he’d wanted us to go in dry. Even just from the red marks across King’s ass from all the spankings, some of which I had offered, it was clear he was in so much pain as I fucked him.

“Ah, ah, ah,” he moaned, but I’d learned in the times when things turned rough that he wasn’t asking me to stop, but to press on, even harder. I did just that, slapping an ass cheek to give it that extra sting he so desired.