“Aren’t you happy today?” Liz noted as she wiped the counter beside me while I restocked cups after the two o’clock rush had died down.
“Just, some days you’re chipper and greeting every customer with a smile and small talk. Like you have a big date or something?”
“Not really a date.” Although, it was sort of a date. A date with King and his knights.
“Really?” Liz asked. “Then why do you keep checking your phone?”
“To see when it’s time for me to clock out,” I said, being honest. I wanted to get to the main event of the night. Time never seemed to move fast enough—through my coursework, through each agonizing hour of holding down a part-time gig to afford staying in the dorms.
I’d met up with the knights four times since that first occasion two months earlier. Each time, I’d told myself I’d find the strength to resist Sy’s game, but it was impossible. And each time Sy messaged, I was lured right back in.
When the agony of my day finally came to an end, I headed back to the dorms and changed into all black, as the King—fuck no—asSyhad requested. I had to admit, the more I thought about him, fucking obsessed over him, the more alluring the idea of him being my king became. Perhaps because whenever we messed around, he managed to keep that ass from me.
Yes, I still hadn’t gotten a chance to get my cock buried inside him, and every time we met up, he left me reeling in the physical chemistry between us while denying me the one thing I wanted from him…now more desperately than ever.
Once again, when I arrived at Sy’s, Two opened the door, but this time he grinned the way I figured he might had I been an old friend. Topping him that first time seemed to have set him at ease around me.
“Hey, Boss.” He nodded subtly, taking my hand and bumping shoulders with me. “Always surprised when you come back.”
“You and me both.”
He guided me inside, down to the basement, just as he had every other time.
One and Hole were kneeling on either side of King, and Two found his place in the semicircle. King wore jeans and shoes, no shirt, like the other guys that night.
“Feels like I should be kneeling too by now,” I joked, yet somehow knowing it wasn’t a joke.
“Would you like to kneel?” Sy asked.
I was quiet, surprising even myself with how I didn’t jump tono…orfuck no, as I would have when I’d first encountered Sy’s peculiar guys’ club.
“Keep in mind, I don’t like a liar. Are you a liar, Boss?”
I still didn’t reply.
I wasn’t sure what I wanted, except I was certain whatever I was doing with these guys, I wasn’t interested in stopping. No chat with my parents…no book or movie…no sex education at my old school could have prepared me for what I’d gotten myself into.
“You can kneel, if you’d like,” Sy said. “It doesn’t mean anything. It won’t make you a knight by doing it, if that’s something you’d like to try.”
As usual, his words had a way of disarming me.
I took a place beside Two, dropping to one knee. Two turned, offering a friendly smile. Not like he was judging me for my submission.
As I gazed back up to Sy, he wore a much more mischievous grin. He knew damn well he’d won the game we’d been playing since I’d met him. His excitement about his success thrilled me in a way I couldn’t wrap my thoughts around. Although, trying to grasp what was going on when it came to King and his knights seemed futile.
Sy pushed to his feet, approached me, and caressed under my chin with his forefinger. “Yes, yes, Boss. You have been so good to us, and now I want to give you what I’ve been so cruelly withholding. Would you like that?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
I’d called him that several times since I’d started playing with him and his knights.
Usually as a joke.