Page 51 of King of Liars

“And he has the cutest blush ever…” I said, jotting it down.

“You did not write that down.”

“Yes, I did.”

He hid his face behind his e-reader.

“And he’s even more adorable when he gets shy about it,” I continued.

“Okay, if it’s about me, I gotta see this.” He crawled toward me, but I held it back behind my head.

“Uh-uh. These are my deepest, darkest secrets.”

“Is that what I am?” He grinned. “Your deepest, darkest secret?”

“If you want to be the deepest, you better grab another condom.”

He laughed again. “Whatever. I can’t come again tonight. I do know that much about myself.”

“Well, what’s the harm in trying,” I told him as I stole another kiss.

I tossed my journal over my shoulder to get ahold of Aiden once again.

God, I didn’t know if one night…or even a hundred…would be enough to sate the hunger I felt for him.



Friday arrived, and King sat on the edge of the bed as we all knelt in a semicircle around him.

The longer I was a part of this fucked-up crew, the more certain I was that I needed to invest in a solid pair of kneepads. Although, considering my last violent experience with King, I wondered how long that would be. I’d known it was fucked up before then, but I never could have anticipated what I’d discovered—not in the group, but within myself.

But to walk away from the gang would have meant walking away from Ryan. The guy I had so much fun with and who, out of all the guys there, I’d actually gotten to know.

I liked him. Hell, I was excited as shit at the thought of having pizza with him over the weekend. But I didn’t know if I could handle losing control again.

I just hoped that when King whipped out his surprise, it would be more about play and fun than violence and brutality.

“I have a special surprise for my knights tonight,” King said.

There was something peculiar in the way he said it, not like he was excited about sharing this sexual adventure with us, but like he had some ulterior motive. It reminded me of the wicked look he’d had on his face the night he’d purchased the sling at the adult store. When it came to King, however, everything seemed to have an ulterior motive, so I figured it might only be in my own mind.

King made us line up and guided us into the basement.

At one time, it might have made me uneasy to walk through a house bare-ass naked with a bunch of other guys, following some horny twink. I would have made fun of any one of these guys for being involved in something so absurd. I wasn’t laughing anymore.

Reminded me of that misattributed quote Ryan had first told me.

King opened the door at the bottom of the stairwell, guiding us into the wide-open space.

That same bulb that dangled from the exposed wooden-beam ceiling illuminated the space. King had already set up the sling in the corner farthest from the doorway. Two square frames, constructed from metal rods, connected in anX. Chains descended from each corner to the metal rings weaved into the fabric of a black seat. I could imagine King lounging in it, his feet hanging from the black straps tied to the chains at the base of the seat. He’d take Ryan, then Hole or One…maybe swap it up or let me fuck him first. Oh, I wanted Ryan to go first. He’d love fucking King in that sling.

A stray thought rushed to mind—Ryan in the sling as I fucked him, watching his lips curl into a smile the way they always did when I was working him just right, rolling his head back like he did just before he was about to blow. He would have told me to stop, while at the same time grabbing my ass and forcing me to fuck him harder until he shot all over himself.

I pulled myself out of the fantasy as we approached our ruler’s newest throne. King climbed into it, slipping his feet into the black straps as he gripped the chains holding the back of his seat in place. His beautiful form was on full display for us, those thick muscles he had crafted seemingly just for our pleasure…and as indicated by the fresh bruises, for his pain.

“Spent last night trying it out,” King said. “Wanted to make sure I could help my knights enjoy it.”