Page 27 of King of Liars


One, Hole, and I waited in King’s bedroom.

Stripped down, as usual, we lounged about.

King wouldn’t enter until we were all present, ready for him.

“If he’s late again…” Hole said, lying across the bed, One’s head resting against his chest, his hand against Hole’s abs.

“He won’t be late,” I said, relaxing on my stomach at the foot of the bed. “Boss doesn’t want to sit this one out any more than you did when you had to sit those three out after what an ass you were to Boss.”

Hole glanced around the room, looking guilty as fuck.

“I’m sorry. It was my fault,” One spoke up, defending him as he always did whenever I mentioned it, which I did occasionally so Hole knew to always play extra carefully with Boss…unless he wanted me to kick his fucking ass.

“It was Hole’s own goddamn fault,” I reminded him. “And I guess since he had to sit a month out before getting to play around, he learned his lesson. Just remember, when you do finally get inside that hole again, if King even lets you, if you do anything I even suspect is violating to Boss, you’ll wish the only thing that happened was King exiling you from the group. Got it?”

Hole nodded, and I could tell by the way he didn’t try to talk back that he knew how serious I was.

It had been nearly three months since Boss had joined the knights. Before then, he had liberties as a guest in our home, but now he followed the same rules as the rest of us.

Rule One: Obey the King’s every command.

Really, one of the most important rules. When King said we had to be ready for him at nine, he meant it. He wasn’t unreasonable, of course. I had to bus tables some nights, and Hole had his work cut out for him at the local strip club. One was the only one of us who didn’t have to make ends meet since he had the same luxuries as our rich King.

I heard a car pull up and hurried to the window, checking through the blinds.

“The lights are on, dude. You know he can see your shadow,” Hole said. “He knows you have a crush on him by now. Just like the rest of us know.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snapped as I watched Boss heading up the drive. He carried himself differently than when he’d first started coming over. There was a confidence about him that was sexy as hell.

As he reached the door, he inputted the key code and let himself in. I missed the days of being the one to greet him. I released the blinds and moved away from the window, checking my phone: 8:55.

Jesus, he liked cutting it close.

As the bedroom door opened, he glanced around until our gazes met, and the way his smile expanded, I couldn’t help but smile back.

Oh, we’d had a lot of fun during the sessions we’d shared with King, Hole, and One.

King didn’t deprive us of our fun together any more than he did with Hole or One, and I was glad. I was so fucking hungry for Boss that every moment when I wasn’t the one getting to fuck or be fucked by him, I was annoyed, if not angry, which One seemed to enjoy since he’d beg me to go harder on his ass when I had been away from Boss for too long.

“I see everyone’s all stripped down already,” Boss joked.

“Get your fucking clothes off. We have to be kneeling in five,” I told him.

“Yes, sir,” he said, his voice full of the playfulness I’d started getting used to in the time we’d spent together, but a couple of times a week was never enough.

“If you want him out of his clothes so bad,” One said, “maybe you should take them off him.” He rolled away from Hole, folding his arms, a cocky expression overtaking his face.

“Not gonna be smiling like that when I’m fucking the shit out of you tonight,” I noted.

“Maybe a little bigger,” he said with a wink.

“Here I thought we wereFour Tops in Search of a Hole. I don’t know how you got in here, One.”

“Maybe it just took bigger dicks to get to my prostate.”

Hole snickered, leaning over to him and offering a playful kiss that turned into much more.