It was sensory overload, and I could feel it was too fucking late for me. “Sy…”
“It’s fine, go ahead,” he said, granting me the permission I desired.
I moved back and kissed Two again, felt him expand in me as my climax ripped right through me, shot into the condom in Sy so fast, I figured if cum could have ripped through latex, it would have pushed right back into Sy’s ass.
Two bit down on my bottom lip as he shook and trembled against me, grunting as he released inside me.
Yes, fuck yes.
And now I really knew what had led all these guys back to Sy’s place.
Because holy fucking hell.
* * *
Sy saton the edge of the end of the bed while One, Two, and myself were on our knees on the floor before him. He smiled. “It seems we have two important things to discuss now. First, there’s the question of whether Boss would care to join us.”
Unlike every time it had come up before, my heart warmed at the thought. I didn’t know why, but despite all my resistance, it felt like this was where I belonged.
I had been a liar. I just hadn’t realized it.
“Is that something you would be interested in, Boss?”
I looked up from my kneeling position. He didn’t look conceited or like he was mocking me for finally caving to what he’d surely been leading me toward all along. He appeared sincere in wanting me to join them.
“I would like that.” My admission felt like a win and a loss all at once. Yet, if this was what losing felt like, what was the point of winning?
Sy smiled. “You have no idea how happy that makes me…and One and Two. But with this being the case, there’s the question of Hole. What he did was wrong.”
“I’m sorry,” One spoke up. “It was my fault. He knows I like that. He thought Boss might—”
“He knew damned well better than to do that to our guest,” Two said, his tone laced with the sort of disdain I would have figured he’d reserve for me, not one of his own.
“Silence,” Sy said.
Two and One complied.
“Boss, if you decide it is okay for him to return, he will be punished, and I will never force you to do anything with him against your wishes. But it is your decision since he transgressed against you.”
I thought for a moment on what Sy had said, as well as what Hole had done. It had been embarrassing and surprising, but in a way, it seemed like such a small offense…like he didn’t deserve to be kicked out over one potential misunderstanding of my wishes.
“I would like for Hole to be able to come back,” I said. “He deserves another chance. But if he does anything like it again, I don’t want to deal with him.”
“It is done,” Sy said. “Then there is the matter of your knighthood.”
In the past, I would have laughed at the word. I would have mocked any of these guys for having been subjected to this kind of fucking nonsense. But I was as hooked as they had been.
“Once you become a knight,” Sy went on, “you promise to abide by our rules—the rules each knight must obey in order to serve their king. Do you wish to take the oath?”
A faint voice in the back of my mind cried out,No! Have some fucking pride! Don’t forget your dignity!
It was too late for any of that, though.
“Yes, I do,” I confessed.
Because there was no point in lying to myself anymore.