Beaming in a pink floral dress, a straw hat with an audacious bow, white gloves, and a corsage, she’s more dressed up than me.
Already teary, she hugs me. “You call me Freye. We’rebothMrs. Quinlan.” Her hug weakens me, but her husband cuts in.
“Let the lass get married, Freye.” Patrick Quinlan peels his wife off me.
Wiping her eyes, she disappears into the nave.
Breathing heavily, I turn to Kieran, who’s smiling. I’m guessing he’s glad the families are finally joined together.
I’mforging the most important alliance an O’Rourke can make. And I did it by mistake at first.
“Hold the door!” Jillian says, running after Rhys. “I have your boutonniere!”
“Let me guess, I needed a matron of honor?” I ask.
“Catching on, are you?” Larke says with a chuckle.
I narrow my eyes at her, wondering what else she’s pulled.
“Get back here, you brats!” Eoghan yells, chasing Kieran’s twin boys as they race past me and, yup, inside the nave they go, the door now propped open since it appears to be rush hour.
“I got the easy job today,” Kieran announces, proud he’s not the one chasing his kids but instead dumped that jobon Eoghan.
I cut my gaze to Larke.
“Ring bearers,” she scoffs. “Although they weren’t holding the pillows I gave them earlier, so I think I need to go track those down.”
Kieran pats his inner pocket. “Don’t worry, love. I got your wedding rings right here. I’m not fool enough to entrust them to unruly toddlers. Or Eoghan.”
“You’re punishing Eoghan for something, aren’t you?” I ask.
“Killing Lazaro Scava and putting me in his brother’s debt.” He kisses my cheek. “Don’t worry, we’re square now.”
Kieran grins.
“Coming through.” Cormac’s voice startles me as Kieran tugs me out of the way.
I gasp seeing my mother. “Ma!”
Looking healthy in a pale-yellow dress, she’s being wheeled in by one of her handsome twin sons like it’s a chariot.
Turns out she never wanted to move back to Ireland. That was a product of my father’s lies, manipulation, and gaslighting. She’s surrounded by guards in the hospital. With seven sons, one daughter, and six daughters-in-law, we rotate daily visits with her.
And all the little ones...they’re giving her new life.
I think that little one she’s holding is her favorite. JP.
For a moment, I wonder how she took the news of how that wee one came to be. I don’t have time to think further because here comes Darragh. On his arm, is his stunning wife Ana, the Bratva underboss.
“I hope someone saved us a seat,” Darragh says, following Cormac and sends me a wink.
“Isabella?” I ask Kieran, knowing she’s heresomewhere.
“Putting flowers on the pews with Priscilla and Ella.”
“Katya?” A smile builds on my mouth.