Page 129 of Illicit Temptation

I choke up. My nephew JP has two fathers and the rest of My energy level only allows me to ask about my mother, who I learned is in a hospital in Manhattan. I don’t bother asking about my father, who I overheard was packed up and flown back here when they left a few days before us. If I know Lachlan, he dumped Da’s body into the ocean.

Something to worry about later.

Trace stands up, looking strong, he’s still a picture of power and beauty. Wild eyes find me and he ambles my way, but stops short, the golden gaze reaching behind me.

I turn around.

Kieran stands there in a white dress shirt and dark trousers looking wrung out. But he quirks a smile when he says, “I just got off the phone with Nico Scava. I told him the deal is off.”

Nodding, I lean in and hug my brother, tempted to sock him in the stomach for making that deal behind my back in the first place. My limbs are too mush-like to follow through.

“I’ll fly there myself and make it crystal-clear to him,”Trace huffs out with grit in his voice. “He and I exchangedwordslast month.”

“Good man.” He grips Trace’s shoulder, forcing a faint snivel of pain from him, always reminding everyone of his power. “I guess Scava wasn’t going to be a good ally after all.”

It was always going to be a man who ran toward trouble and let me shine in the process. I never would have been happy with someone else.

“Can I take my wife home now, brother?” Trace says.

Kieran eyes our hands without rings. “I expect you to marry her properly.”

I consider all the weddings I put together for my brothers, except Lachlan who crashed Katya’s wedding, killed her groom, and then married her himself. My perfect wedding vision board is blank. I outdid myself for every client. I never saw it as me.

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Until now.

But I don’t need a fancy dress or a big party. All I want is...Trace.


Shea – Manhattan – Two Weeks Later

“Shea-Lynne O’Rourke, rumored to soon be the new owner of Lagerfeld Events, ties the knot tomorrow in a private ceremony at an undisclosed location to a man rumored to be her former bodyguard. Deeee-lish. (Tongue emoji) Except, how in the world does this woman expect to impress Manhattan’s elite without showcasing her talents? Here’s hoping someone takes photos and sneaks them onto Instagram. THIS girl needs the tea!”

I read the post to Larke and Erin on a conference call the night before my second wedding to Trace. “Are either of youTHISgirl?”

Erin clears her throat. “It’s my shadow account. It’s meant to tease people. Get them talking about you. I promise to only post one photo.”

“She’s just echoing what I know people are thinking,” Larke adds. “Are you sure about having such a low-profile wedding, Shea?”

I lower my head. “I made it clear what I wanted. Small, no fuss. You guys as witnesses. My brothers are busy. I don’t want to bother them or disrupt the kids’ schedules.”

And Idon’twant a public photo of Trace. He’s officially Quinlan Empire’s enforcer. And my enforcer husband is not home at the moment because he had anemergency.

“And you’ll have it. I promise.” Larke’s assurances have me queasy, given what’s at stake. “Maybe I should just skip it. Wait until...” I can’t finish that. “We’re already married.”

“Kieran’s instructions to me were pretty firm.” Larke sounds even firmer.

Sneaky that he’d go to her andmakeher plan it. Or ratherscheduleit. ASAP, was his demand. And without regard or care if all seven of my brothers are free. Iread between the lines. They want me married. A legit wedding with a priest and vows, before God and family.

I could have asked Trace for a big celebration, us waltzing down a grand aisle in front of hundreds of people watching me in a sinfully extravagant dress. That idea makes my stomach twist instead. I’ve sadly seen the women who want weddings more than husbands. It took a couple of months for me to come to this decision, but now I just wantmyhusband. This event tomorrow is a formality to make everyone else happy.

Ma is still in the hospital, slowly recovering. I’m sad she isn’t well enough to be a part of our day, but she’s alive. That’s more important.

Cormac rented an apartment near her in the city and visits every day while he figures out his next steps. I wouldn’t be surprised if he joins Quinlan Empire.

“And you managed to find an available priest on short notice?” I ask Larke about the one thing old-school Kieran insisted on.