She watches the creature bound away.
“Fascinating. It’s like a cross between an Earth Ibex and an Alzhonion borquine, only with six legs.”
“Again, I do not understand, but I wish to.”
The oasis features a short waterfall which feeds the pond. Near the waterfall, some travelers in the past left leather coverings over the rounded rocks, forming a comfortable seating area.
“Here, sit down,” I say. She seems on the verge of collapse. I remember that she did run across the desert in the full heat of the sun. “Would you like more water?”
“Yes, please,” she says.
I give her my canteen again, and slake my own thirst from one of the ones I liberated from the dead Skuyr. She finishes the canteen, and then looks at the empty leather.
“Sorry. The least I can do is refill it for you.”
She seems a lot calmer now. Micah dips the leather skin into the water and swirls it around until it swells up full.
“Keep it,” I say, holding my hand up. “You will need it in the coming days. Please, tell me of your journeys, and your people. How did you come to be here?”
MIcah purses her lips, eyes growing distant.
“You saved my life, thank you. I suppose it’s too late to avoid polluting your culture anyway. I’m part of a group of…I guess you could call us explorers, flying from star system to star system, looking for viable worlds.”
“Worlds. So there is more than one?”
“Oh yes, there are a great, great, great many. More than you can count. Every star you see in the night sky is a sun, and many of those suns have worlds that feature sapient life.”
“All the stars…are suns?”
“Sorry. Did I just blow your mind?”
I put my hand to my head.
“No, my mind is still intact in my skull. I am confused, though.”
“That’s what I…never mind.” She shakes her head and looks at me with fascination. The feeling is mutual. “Do you think you can help me find other survivors from my ship?”
I stare into her lovely eyes. It’s like staring into a long forgotten dream, and an exceedingly pleasant one at that. I find I stare a bit too long.
“Um, hello? I asked you a question.”
“Sorry. I will do my best to help, but in order to do so I’ll have to take you back to my village of Redcliffe.”
“You have a village? That has to be better than a thin blanket over a rock. How far is it?”
“It will take several days of walking to reach it. I think we would be better served remaining here at the oasis until nightfall. It’s dangerous to travel over the desert during the day.”
She doesn’t look too happy about remaining at the oasis.
“I don’t suppose you have a tent rolled up in that loincloth anywhere, do you?”
“Ah, no. But this spring comes from deep underground, where it’s quite cold. It will be more pleasant to spend the day here than you think.”
I cross my leg and sit on the stone, enjoying the pleasant cool of the oasis. Micah does her best to get comfortable. Her frequent sighs and groans indicate she’s not finding success.
“What’s the matter?”
She gives me a narrow eyed look.