“What?” I grab the box out of her hands. “And he’s not my boy toy. Why is he sending you a package?” Curiosity eats at me.

“I don’t know, but let’s open it and find out.”

We tear the tape away and open it together. Inside is a note addressed to me. It reads:


Can’t wait to see you tonight and meet your best friend. Thought you ladies might like something to wear to the game. The one with my name on the back is for you.

See you soon,


Warmth spreads through my body. It starts at my center and floods through the rest of me. This man. He’s so sweet and thoughtful. Rachel squeals with delight as we pull out Rogues jerseys, hats, and scarves. He’s even included a fancy hotchocolate kit, with a note that tells us it’s for after the game, and a bottle of wine labeledfor girl time.

Rachel’s warm brown eyes meet mine. “Damn, girl. He really is gone for you. This is ridiculously sweet. And to include stuff for me in it?” She holds her jersey up to her chest and looks down at the logo. “Keeper, for sure.”

He is. And I’m gone for him too. Maybe it’s time to be vulnerable this weekend and admit it to him. Sucking in a deep breath, I lock eyes with my bestie. “I’m in love with him.”

Rachel’s expression softens. “I know.”

“I’m terrified, Rach.”

She pulls me into a hug. “I know.”

“There are so many people here.”

It’s impossible not to chuckle at Rachel’s wide-eyed expression. She surveys the noisy crowd, easily ignoring the dirty looks being thrown our way for wearing Rogues yellow and gray. My best friend is not one to be intimidated. Every time someone scowls at us, she just smiles and gives them a cheeky little finger wave.

“Oh, these seats are great.” After doing a little shimmy, Rachel takes her seat, and I file in after her. I was careful when buying our tickets, once again ensuring that we were outside of my dad’s line of sight. Coming to the arena at all is a risk, but my dad is always too focused on the game to care about the crowd.

“This is your first hockey game, right?”

She nods. “Yeah. I can’t wait to watch a bunch of hot men skate around and beat each other up.”

“That’s not exactly what happens,” I tell her with a chuckle. “But it’s not too far off sometimes.”

“So, we’re going out with them after?”

Ryder asked us to join him and the guys at a bar after the game. Rachel was thrilled. Especially if it meant that she had a chance to find herself a hot hockey player hookup. She’d gleefully proclaimed that this was her chance to play puck bunny for a night.

“Yeah, they found a place close to the arena, so we can all walk.”

She side-eyes me. “Your dad doesn’t go out with them after games?”

“God, no,” I say with a laugh. “He’ll be too busy preparing for the second game in the series. Besides, most coaches don’t go out drinking with their team members.”

“But aren’t you worried he’ll see you?”

I shake my head. “Nah. We’re going to meet the guys a block or two away from the arena afterward. It’ll be fine.”

The seats continue to fill with boisterous fans. The atmosphere charges with eager anticipation. And when the announcer’s voice booms through the arena to announce the teams, Rachel does a little dance in her seat and claps.

Visiting teams never get the same spectacular introductions as the home team, but Rachel still screams right along with me when he announces Ryder’s name and position. Following the sound of our enthusiastic support, my boyfriend’s attention lands on us, and the most brilliant smile lights up his face. I blow him a kiss; he rewards me with a wink.

“You know that guy?” a woman two seats down asks. Her expression is curious and a bit hungry. “He’s hot.”

“He’s my bestie’s boyfriend,” Rachel says with a knowing grin.