“Don’t deflect.”
“Ugh.” I bang my head back against the mattress. “My mom said she thinks Ryder’s in love with me. And that I’m in love with him.”
It’s Rachel’s turn to snort. “That’s it? Babe, I could have told you that. You are so gone for that man. And if he’s not a complete idiot, of course he’s gone for you too.”
“I…” My mouth flaps open and closed like a fish out of water. “It’s just really inconvenient.” That’s all I can think to say. It’s really inconvenient. Because our situation is complicated. We’ll have to tell my dad about us at some point, but the amount of anxiety caused by thinking about it makes me want to pop a few antacids.
Rachel hums. “Love always is. If it’s convenient, it’s probably not real.”
She’s right. I know she is. Still doesn’t make any of this easier.
“Do you think that Chase guy will be playing? He’s on the Chicago Blizzard, isn’t he?”
Chase. Ryder’s former friend, who almost ended his career. The guy I have to thank for meeting Ryder.
“Probably. I don’t know.”
Rachel’s grin is so evil, I almost feel bad for Chase. “Let’s brainstorm mean things to write on some signs. It’s been too long since I’ve made a grown man cry.”
My muscles burnas we run drills on the ice. Chase the rabbit. Fuck, this drill is brutal when you have to do it over and over again. Which is exactly what we’re being forced to do. After we lost our last game, Coach is out for blood.
“Pick it up! Do you guys want to win or not?”
Griffin rolls his eyes. “Iwantto go back to bed and sleep for another hour or two.”
“Late night?” Logan asks. “I haven’t seen you hook up with anyone ever since Mira moved in with you. Strange coincidence, or is there something going on there?”
“Oh, hell, no,” Maddox growls. “I will kick your ass, Wright.”
Griffin rolls his eyes. “We’re just roommates. And friends. There hasn’t been any touchy touchy, so you can chill, Madds.”
Logan studies Griffin. “So, what’s up, then? I need my wingman.”
“I don’t know, dude. Guess it’s lost some of its luster, you know? It feels kinda hollow lately.” Griffin shrugs.
Maddox goes to open his mouth, but he doesn’t get a word out.
“Am I interrupting your little gossip session, ladies?” Coach shouts. He’s in rare form this morning. His bad mood is so profound, I keep waiting for him to call me over and tell me I’m off the team because he found out I’m fucking his daughter.
“He seems more dickish than usual,” Sebastian observes. Our goalie’s attention swings to me. “Did he find out about you and HCB?”
“God, I hope not.” I’m sweating just thinking about it. “Along those lines, I need help with something.”
That perks Griffin right up. “Oooh. Is it something sexy and clandestine?”
“Do you even know what that means?” Logan asks with a smirk.
“Shut the hell up. I’m smart.” Griffin tries to trip Byrne with the blade of his stick.
Bash rolls his eyes. “Guys. Focus. Ryder needs our help with something.”
Sometimes I think this team would fall apart without Sebastian Navarro’s steady leadership. Maddox may be the captain, but Bash is like a parent. He keeps us all on the straight and narrow. Well, I don’t really need him to do that for me, but some of these other guys sure as hell do.
I give him a nod of thanks. “My girl wants to come to our series in Chicago. She went to college there, and her best friend still lives in the city. It’s important to her that we meet.”