To Kelly’s credit, she manages to hide any disappointment she may feel that her matchmaking attempt has failed spectacularly. “I’ll walk you out.”
I’ve broken down some of her walls, but I haven’t fully won her over yet.
But I will.
I’m not going anywhere. Both Cross women will understand that, eventually.
I can be patient.
I thinkmy mom almost likes him.
Jeff gives me a brief hug as we say goodbye, and I give him a little squeeze. The revelation that he and my mom didn’t have an affair only helps my feelings for the man change more quickly. It’s difficult to dislike a guy who treats my mom like she’s the best thing in the world. And even more difficult when my false belief that he was willing to cheat is taken away.
I guess I get why Mom didn’t say anything at first, but why has she let me hold on to the false notion that she’s a cheater?
“I hope we can do this again,” I say to Jeff with a soft smile.
He returns it easily. “I’d like that a lot, kiddo.”
The endearment doesn’t bother me now. In fact, it makes my chest feel warm in a way it hasn’t in years. When’s the last time my dad looked at me like I was precious? Like it would be a pleasure to spend time with me?
When he steps back, my mom wraps me up in a tight hug. Jeff and Ryder shake hands and speak in low voices. My mom sighs. “I’m still worried that he’ll put hockey first, but I guess he’s not so bad.”
Laughing, I pull back from the hug so I can meet her gaze. “Gee, thanks, Mom. High praise, coming from you.”
She arches one eyebrow. “It is.”
We both chuckle. I can’t help glancing Ryder’s way. He always draws my eye when we’re together, pulling me into his orbit. “Just promise you’ll give him a chance. He’s not Dad.”
“I know,” she says, exhaling slowly. “And he’s in love with you.”
An undignified snort bursts out of me. “He is not. It’s way too soon for that.”
“Is it?” My mom tilts her face, so she’s looking down her nose at me. “I didn’t realize love had a specific timeline it has to follow.”
“Mom. Come on. He’s not in love with me. That’s ridiculous.”
Her face softens. “That’s what I thought. You’re in love with him too.” She gives my arm a gentle squeeze. “Just be careful, sweetie. You deserve to be loved, and I’m afraid I didn’t set a very good example of that for you.”
“Mom, no.” My chest squeezes painfully. “Don’t you dare take that on yourself. That’s on Dad.” My attention flicks to Jeff. “Besides, you’re showing me now.”
The rosy glow that lights my mom’s face is everything. She instantly looks younger, and I imagine this is what she looked like when she first fell for my dad. Before he emotionally vampired her and sucked all the joy out of her life. What an asshole.
“I know you’re not Jeff’s biggest fan, but I do hope you give him a chance, sweetie.”
Sucking in a deep breath, I grab my mom’s hands. “You could have told me you and Dad were separated. It wouldn’t have ruined my college experience.”
“He told you that, did he?” She doesn’t appear annoyed. There’s only affection painted in pinks across her cheeks. “I’msorry. I shouldn’t have kept it from you. It just felt… I was dealing with a lot of shame about the whole thing. I didn’t handle it as well as I could have.”
“I get it.” Emotions are messy. It’s easy to look back and clearly see the way you should have done things, but it’s a hell of a lot murkier in the moment. “I’m glad I know now.”
Mom pulls me in for another hug. Her breath is warm across my neck. “Me too, sweetie. Me too.”
Ryder steps up beside me and rests his hand on my lower back. “You ready to go? You’ve got an early class tomorrow.”