God, I want to be precious to someone.

No. Not to someone. I want to be precious tohim.

The realization almost knocks me on my metaphorical ass. This is crazy. We barely know each other. Though we’ve been stranded together for less than a week, it feels like I’ve known him forever. It’s that rare connection that feels deep and ancient after only a short time. It transcends all logic and every single self-preservation instinct that has kept my heart from ruin since things blew up with Garrett.

Maybe I don’t want things to end after we leave. I’m not ready to admit that to Ryder, but a little seedling of hope has pushed its way out of the hard, cracked soil of my heart. If it keeps growing, perhaps I’ll decide that pursuing this thing with him outside of our snow-pass is worth the risk.

Regardless, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be as he massages conditioner through my hair.

“You’re so beautiful, Lexi.” His fingers trail down my spine. The gentle popping of soap suds tickles. “I can’t get enough of you.”

The feeling is mutual. I can’t get enough of him, either.

Once I’m thoroughly clean, it’s my turn to take care of him. The problem is, Ryder is significantly taller than me, so when I have to go up on my tiptoes to massage shampoo into his wavybrown hair, I almost slip. Of course, he catches me. I don’t even care that he’s laughing, because my breasts press against his chest, and I feel every pleasant vibration. I’m lost in the feel of him.

“Here,” he says, brushing a wet strand of hair over my shoulder and onto my back. “Let’s do it this way.” He sits on his perfect ass in the middle of the shower, water spraying down on him. Grinning, I kneel at Ryder’s back and wash his hair.

His head falls back as I massage the shampoo into his hair and scalp. Leaning against my chest, he’s completely at ease. With closed eyes and a peaceful little smile on his face, Ryder lets me take care of him. Once his hair is shampooed and clean, I lather body wash in my hands and run my palms over his skin. They skim over his shoulder and arms before gliding over his pecs and abs. Back to my chest, Ryder lets out a soft moan as I bring my sudsy hands to his hips before swirling them around his cock. Which is hard. Again.

But this isn’t about sex, and he doesn’t try to make it about that. No, Ryder is simply content to lean into my warmth and soak up the gentle touches I’m more than happy to provide. I can’t help it. My mind conjures scenes of us doing this same thing a year from now, two years from now. I imagine what it would be like to spend my years with a man who is both strong and fierce, and overwhelmingly gentle.

It would be a heady thing, I think—to be loved by him.

All too soon, we’re both clean and prune-y. Ryder once again helps me to my feet. But before he turns off the shower heads, he wraps me up in his arms and rests his cheek on the crown of my head.

“I don’t want this to end.” His words are soft and hesitant, and I know how much he risks every time he’s vulnerable like this with me. So, I offer him the only thing I feel able to at this moment in time.

“I don’t, either.” Pressing a kiss over his heart, I sigh and lose myself in his embrace. “I wish we could stay here forever.”

He’s silent for a beat, but his breath hitches. It’s slight, but I hear it. His arms squeeze me tighter before he releases me and slips his fingers through mine. “Come on, OTG. Let’s get you dressed.”



A sighof relief gusts out of my lungs as I close the door between Ryder and me. It’s the first moment we’ve been apart all day, and I am feelingallthe things. My fingers have been twitching with the need to text Rachel since the moment I walked out of my bedroom and found myself in a winter wonderland. So, before I get dressed, I do just that. I flop back onto my bed and open my messaging app.


Merry Christmas, Rach!

Her response is almost instant, just like I knew it would be.


Merry Christmas, Lex! I miss you. How’re things with the hockey hottie?

Always right to the point. I love that about her.


Ummmm, things with Ryder are great, actually. Really great. He’s... He’s great.


LOL. How many times can you use the word great in one text?

Apparently three?