It’s not like that. I mean, yeah, she’s a woman, but we’re not together.

Isla wants to know why not.

LOL. She’s great, but we just met. And it’s complicated. Anyway, would that be okay?

Of course, man. The more the merrier.

Thanks. You’re a good captain.

Now you’re just sucking up. Stay safe, rookie. Let me know if you’re going to make it.

I will. Later.

Pocketing my phone with a grin, I wonder if Lexi would agree to having New Year’s dinner with a bunch of hockey players on her dad’s team. It’s not like everyone will be there, and they’d be cool, but she might not even go for it. And, at this point, there’s no way I’m leaving her alone on the holiday.

The kettle whistles, and I prepare our tea.

“Here you go. Careful, it’s hot.” I hand Lexi the mug, enjoying the soft smile she gives me in return.

“Thanks, Ryder.”

“Don’t mention it.” I settle down on the couch, leaving a good foot of room between us. “So, what are we watching?”

“Well,” she begins, her eyes sparkling, “There’s this series I’ve been meaning to watch. It’s calledHomicide for the Holidays. It’s the perfect thing to watch during a blizzard.”

Reading the synopsis of the true-crime docuseries, I turn to Lexi with one incredulous eyebrow raised. “Seriously? You want to watch a show about holiday murders?”

She nods enthusiastically.

“I just need you to tell me one thing first.”

Her brow wrinkles. “Yeah?”

“Who hurt you, Lexi Cross?”

The adorably macabre woman beside me just laughs and laughs. Without bothering to offer me an answer, she simplypresses play before burrowing deeper into the blanket wrapped around her and sipping her tea. She grins like a kid in a candy store as the opening sequence plays, promising murder, mayhem, and holiday fear.

Shaking my head, I can’t help my answering smile as I settle in for an evening full of murder mysteries. Whatever it takes to ensure that defeated look from earlier doesn’t reappear.

“Oh my god, I’m so excited,” she squeals.

Her excitement must be infectious, because even though true crime isn’t my jam, I’m excited too.



I’m sotired that not even brutal murders can keep my eyes open. A glance at Ryder tells me he’s in the same boat. His chin is pressed into his chest as his eyes blink slowly at the TV.

“Hey,” I whisper. “I’m going to head to bed. I’m beat. Thanks for watching this with me.”

The lazy grin Ryder offers me makes my heart thud heavy in my chest. “Course, Lex. Thanks again for making dinner. It was a good night.”

It was. After I stopped thinking about Ryder’s conversation with my dad and let myself enjoy it, it was a really nice night. I’m sure Ryder would rather be out doing something more active, but I’m a homebody. This was basically my idea of a perfect evening: books, good food, a crackling fire, and true crime. The company didn’t hurt, either.

“You going to stay up a little later? Otherwise, I’ll put the fire out.”

Ryder runs his hand through his messy, dark hair, and it makes him look adorably rumpled. “I’ll take care of it. I thinkI’m going to finish this episode. Unless you want me to wait and finish it with you tomorrow?”