Ryder’s forehead crinkles as he considers it. “You might get along with Sebastian. He’s a good guy. Though, I get the feeling he’s hung up on someone.”
“Nah.” Rachel chuckles. “I’ve got plans that involve beating Karl for that job and then rubbing it in his smug, entitled face. I dream about making that brown-nosing idiot cry.”
Ryder laughs. “You’re kinda scary.”
Rachel rolls her eyes. “Only to people who cross me. Like I said before, treat my bestie well and we won’t have any issues, Hanson.”
“That’s my plan. I’m going to treat her like a beautiful, grumpy princess for as long as she lets me.” Ryder chuckles as he dodges the half-hearted swat I aim at his stomach.
“Good. All right, well, I gotta get going. Adam and I are going to a Blizzard game tonight. I have the best sign ready for this game.”
For the first time all day, I laugh loudly and freely. “I think I’ve created a monster. Chase Bowen probably cries in the shower after every game you go to.”
Rachel’s smile is absolutely wicked. “One can only hope. Talk to you soon, Lex. Call me the minute you hear anything about your dad, ’kay?”
I nod. “I will. Have fun at the game tonight. Don’t start too much shit.”
“Me?” She holds her hand to her chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Later, Lex. Bye, Ryder.”
“Night, Rach.”
We wave and exchange one final goodbye. When I hang up the phone, Ryder flops down next to me on the bed and pulls me into his arms. His chest shakes with quiet laughter.
“I wish I could see Chase’s face when he sees whatever sign she has planned. Is she really planning to go to games on a regular basis?”
“I think so. At least, as many as she can afford. She really loved going to yours with me. And Adam is always up for watching a game. Doesn’t even matter what sport it’s for. Except for golf. He hates golf.”
“Gotta say I agree with him on that.” Ryder shifts our bodies so my head is on his chest and I’m almost lying completely on top of him. He rests his chin on my head and squeezes me tightly in his arms. We fall silent for a few minutes. It’s not an uncomfortable silence. Never is, with Ryder. We just soak up each other’s warmth and affection.
“I heard from my agent that a rep for the team has a press conference planned for tomorrow afternoon. They’re going to announce their decision regarding your dad then.”
My heart lurches, skips a beat, then begins to thunder. “Oh.”
Ryder shifts us so he’s sitting with his back against the headboard and my legs straddle his lap. His icy-blue eyes study my face. I’m sure he can see the panic splashed across it. “Whatever happens, you’re going to be okay.We’regoing to be okay. We’ll get through this together.”
“I know,” I whisper. “I just… What if everyone hates me if he gets fired? All the attention has been overwhelming, and it’s mostly been supportive. I don’t know if I can deal with random strangers talking about how much they hate me on the internet. Yes, that’s stupid, because some random Chad’s opinion shouldn’t matter, but I…”
“Hey.” Ryder’s fingers gently grip my chin as he silently asks me to look at him. “You don’t have to explain. Trust me, all of us know how shitty people can be. And I won’t be able to protect you from all of it, but I’ll sure as hell try my best to.”
My face crumples, and I press my nose into his neck to avoid letting him see the tears pooling in my eyes. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“I ask myself the same thing about you all the time, baby.” He holds me in silence as our hearts sync. Despite everything going on around us, in many ways, I’ve never felt as safe or settled as I have staying here with Ryder. His roommate, Aaron, is rarely home, and when we have the place all to ourselves, I dream about what it would be like to do this every day. To wake up next to him, to come home to each other and share dinners, to stay up way too late each night watching movies or making love.
“My mom asked if we could come over for dinner next Wednesday. You guys don’t have a game. Would that work for you?”
Ryder’s hands brush up and down my spine. “Yeah, Oscar. That works. Have you talked to your mom recently?”
“We’ve been talking and texting a lot more since everything with my dad. It’s been nice. I didn’t like feeling angry with my mom for having an affair with Jeff, so I’m glad I know the truth now. She was my rock growing up, and I missed her.”
It’s been such a relief repairing our relationship. I’ve even talked to Jeff a few times and can admit that he’s incredibly kind and so good to my mom. I feel bad about the way I thought of him before. But I can’t change the past, so I do my best to make up for it now and get to know him. And honestly? It’s been nice. He tells terrible dad jokes and still calls me kiddo, but I’m growing to like it.
Sometimes I wonder if this is what things should have been like with my dad all along.
Ryder kisses me with soft, pliant lips. “I’m glad to hear that. I like your mom. And Jeff.”
“They like you too,” I tell him. Ever since Ryder defended me on national television, Mom and Jeff have been firmly onTeam Ryder. My phone vibrates on the bed by our feet. “That’s probably her now. She’s been bugging me for an answer about dinner.”
Leaning back, I grab my phone and press the green answer button without bothering to glance at the screen. “Calm your tits,” I say, chuckling. “I was just about to call you back.”