Screaming his name, I cling to Ryder as his movements grow erratic and jerky. His hips slam into me. I feel him grow even harder, and then he comes with a roar. His dick jerks and spills inside of me. My pussy clamps around him in pulsing waves as he slows. But he doesn’t stop moving. Not until he’s drawn every ounce of pleasure out of my body and I’m boneless and panting beneath him.
“That was…” He rests his forehead against mine.
“The best ever?” I supply. My voice is hoarse from all the gasping and crying out.
Ryder kisses me reverently. “Yeah. Exactly that. Best ever. I love you, Alexis Cross.”
“Not as much as I love you, Ryder Hanson.”
We trade kisses and soft murmurs of love until I squirm as his seed drips down my inner thighs. It tickles.
With a chuckle, Ryder slowly pulls out and gives me one more kiss. “Let’s get you cleaned up and fed. You’re going to need your strength tonight.”
I can’t wait.
I’m dreading practice tonight.Lexi knows it, too. It’s probably why she hasn’t detangled herself from me, even though we both need to shower and get dressed so I can drive her home. I don’t want her to miss class because of me. I also don’t want her to worry. So, even though I know she’s smart enough to infer what’s going on in my head, I haven’t come out and said it.
I don’t regret the things I said to Coach. Not even for a moment. That doesn’t mean I’m not freaking out. Hockey has been my life for so long. It was the thing that kept me sane after my mom’s death. And what kept me going after my dad’s. Who the hell would I even be without the game? And what will I do for a job if all of this implodes?
I make decent money, but a rookie’s salary is nothing compared to a player like Maddox, Griffin, Logan, or Sebastian. They’ve proven themselves to be invaluable. They’re stars in their own rights and have the endorsements to validate that. I’m not there. Not yet. Though, this season has been a huge step in that direction. If things keep going the way they have, I could belooking at a huge raise on my next contract and endorsements of my own.
That is, if Arthur Cross doesn’t do whatever he can to torpedo my career with the Rogues.
“I’m going to take a shower,” Lexi finally murmurs. She gives me a slow kiss before lifting onto her elbows and staring down at me. A crease forms between her eyebrows. “Do you regret it?”
That jars me from my worries. I blink a few times. Cupping her cheek, I shake my head. “Hell, no. I mean, I regret that it went down the way it did. I’m still pissed at your dad for hurting you. But I will never regret choosing you. I need you to know that.”
Her brow smooths out, and Lexi gifts me with a sexy smile. “Just wanted to make sure. You going to join me?”
Hell, I want to join her in the shower. But we really do need to get ready, and if I’m in a steamy, enclosed space with the woman I love as water sluices down that perfect body? We won’t leave. I groan. “God, I want to say yes, but it’s probably not the best idea.”
The bed shakes as she giggles. “True. I won’t take long.”
“Take as long as you need, Oscar.”
I watch Lexi’s perfect, naked ass sway as she saunters across the room and into the en-suite bathroom. Groaning, I grab my phone. It’s been on silent, so I haven’t heard if any calls or texts came through. I’m almost nervous to look. The last thing I want to see is a missed call from my agent. He’s a good guy, but he’s pretty hands off unless we’re working on something. If he calls out of the blue, I know I’m fucked.
But there are no calls or texts from my agent. Or from Arthur Cross. Though, it does appear I’ve been added to a group text with Maddox, Griffin, Sebastian, and Logan. And they’ve been texting up a storm since six this morning.
I scan the messages, laughing at some of the ridiculous crap they’ve said, even as my chest tightens with emotion. They’re checking up on me. They care. And not just about me, but about Lexi too.
It’s almost noon, and no one has heard from Ryder. Should we do a welfare check? Maybe Coach murdered him.
He’s probably balls-deep in Hot Cross Buns, dude. We’ll give him another hour.
SMH. Don’t be an ass.