I can’t believeany of that happened.

Throwing my stuff into my room, I pace, replaying every single moment of the confrontation with my dad. My chest hasn’t stopped aching. I probably have a red spot over my heart where I keep absently rubbing my skin.

After theI love youbombs were dropped in what may be the most romantic gesture anyone has ever made for me—I’m sure it’s not how either of us would have planned to say those three words for the first time, but hearing them in the face of my father’s scorn and the possibility that Ryder could lose his career? Pretty fucking romantic—Ryder announced that he would fly home on a commercial flight with me. Which set off another round of yelling and threats aboutbreaching his contractand other bullshit, until I pulled Ryder into a hug and told him to go with the team. He’s going to pick me up on his way back from the arena, where he parked during the series.

He loves me.

Holy shit. He loves me. He’s risking his career for me. Which I hate. I don’t want him to lose his ability to play the game headores. But to be someone’s priority? That’s a heady feeling. It’s surreal.

My phone rings, jolting me out of my thoughts. I brace myself before looking at the screen, because there are only a few people this is likely to be, and my dad is one of them.

Except, it’s not my dad. It’s my mom.

“Hello?” I’m confused about why she’s calling me, but I can’t deny the relief that floods my body when I hear her voice. Especially now that we’ve begun repairing our relationship.

“Lexi? Hey, sweetie. Did something happen with your father?” My mom’s tone is careful. She’s always gone out of her way not to negatively impact my relationship with him. Not that he’s ever deserved her consideration. Still, she knows how tense things are.

Sighing, I give up my pacing and flop down onto my bed. “Hey, Mom. Did he call you?”

“Yes.” The word is saturated with frustration. “He called and started shouting about how you made a scene in front of the team and disrespected him.” My mom huffs out a frustrated sound. “He was being a giant ass. I take it, he found out that you’re dating Ryder?”

“Ugh. Yes. Yes, he did.”

My mom is silent for a beat. “And how did Ryder react to your father’s outburst?” She doesn’t come right out and ask me if my boyfriend rose to the occasion or fell to meet her expectations, but I know that’s what she’s wondering.

“You should have seen him, Mom. He let Dad have it. Dad asked him if I was worth throwing away his career for, and Ryder said yes. Didn’t even hesitate. And a bunch of the guys on the team that I’ve become friends with stuck up for me too. It was horrible, but also kind of healing, you know?”

My mom hums. “Maybe I was too quick to judge that boy of yours. I just don’t want you to live my life, sweetheart.”

Oh, Mom.

“I know, Mom. Ryder told me he loves me. Right there in front of everyone. He’s not like Dad.” I suck in a breath as the true power of my feelings hits me. “I think he’s the one.”

“I’m glad I was wrong, sweetie. And I’m glad he stuck up for you. Don’t listen to your father. He’s a colossal ass.” I hear Jeff shout aHear, hearin the background and laugh. It’s refreshing to hear her be honest about her feelings for my dad. I hope it means she’s healing.

“I won’t,” I promise as a faint knock echoes through the apartment. “Shoot, Ryder’s here. He’s picking me up so we can talk about everything. Can we do another family dinner soon? I’d like to get to know Jeff better. And I want you guys to get to know Ryder.”

“That would make both of us very happy.” My mom’s voice is thick with emotion.

“Us too,” I say. “I love you, Mom. I’m glad you have Jeff. Give him a hug for me, okay?”

“Of course, sweetie. I love you too. Talk soon?”

I nod until I realize she can’t see it. “Yeah, we’ll talk soon.”

We exchange one last goodbye, and I throw a few necessities into a bag and head for the door. Ryder’s got one arm braced on the frame when I throw it open. His dark hair sticks up at chaotic angles. It looks like he’s been running his hand through it for the entire trip back from Chicago. Those handsome features I’ve grown to love are set in a frown. Until he sees me.

“Lexi.” Faster than I can register, he wraps his arms around me and tangles one hand in the hair at the nape of my neck. I breathe in the scent of him while squeezing him right back. Ryder peppers kisses across my forehead, my nose, and my cheeks before taking my mouth in a kiss that is so full of emotion, it would knock me on my butt, if not for his arm wrapped around me.

“Hi,” I whisper when the kiss ends and I meet his gaze.

Ryder brushes a stray strand of blonde hair behind my ear. “Hi. Ready to go?”

I nod. Ready? I’ve been ready to jump his bones since he said those three little words. I can’t wait to get back to his place, lock ourselves in his room, and kiss every hard inch of his body. Luckily, I don’t have school until later in the afternoon tomorrow, and he doesn’t have practice until the evening, so we have plenty of time to enjoy one another.

Ryder grins, taking my hand and pulling me out of the apartment. He barely gives me time to lock up before he tows me toward the elevator. We share a few frantic kisses until we hit the ground floor, and then he’s dragging me again. Once we’re at his car, he leans over me as soon as I’m sitting to buckle my seat belt. I can’t stop my laughter.