The encrypted files finally open, revealing exactly what I’ve been looking for. My fingers fly over the keyboard, so close to finding whoever tried to fuck with her. It doesn’t take long for me to hack into the person’s phone, locating them after finding their name.

I jolt up, standing from the couch, already making my way to the door. I shove my phone into my pocket as Bash grips my arm.

“Tell me what the hell is happening. You look like you’re going to kill someone.”

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I found the guy that sent the video of Scarlet killing her dad. I’ve got his location.”

“You thought you’d leave without me? I’m coming too.”

A muscle tenses in my jaw, and I give him one last out. “This is going to get messy.”

“Dude, she saved our lives. Plus—” He smiles, and it’s fucking devious. “—she’s my sister.”

He might be my little brother, but he’s all grown up now.

“Where are we going?” he asks, already pulling out a gun from a locked cabinet.

“We’re going hunting.”

“Where did you get the video?” I ask, the tip of my knife grazing down the asshole’s arm. Blood trails the blade, but I’m careful not to cut too deep. He needs to last long enough to get the answer. It didn’t take long to realize he’s just a middleman, which means I need to dig his source out of him. We’ve been at this for the last ten minutes, and the man’s already covered in marks.

“Go fuck yourself,” the man hisses from where he’s leaning against his mangled car. The entire left side is dented in from where I crashed into it, pushing him off the road.

Bash slams his fist into the guy’s gut. “Wrong fucking answer. Try again.”

He smiles up at us, looking entirely too confident for the situation he’s in. “You can’t protect her. He’s got eyes and ears everywhere.”

A shudder rolls down my spine, and my grip tightens on my knife. Knowing for sure someone’s out there wanting to hurt her has all my hair standing on end. I need to find them and shut them down before they can come near her. “Who? I’ll pay you triple whatever he offered.”

He tips his head back, exposing his neck. “You can’t buy this type of loyalty.”

I grab him by the collar, slamming him into the crumpled steel of his car door. “You’re going to tell me, or I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Too late.” Blood pools over his lips, coating his chin and throat as he slumps to the ground motionless.

What the hell? He shouldn’t have died from what I’ve done so far. I’d been saving that for later.

Bash flips him onto his stomach, revealing a long gouge that runs the length of his back. It must have hurt like hell. He’d just been playing with us, waiting out his time until he died.

“Fuck. He’s the only lead I have, and now he’s useless.” I slam my foot into his back, frustration crawling through my veins.

Bash grips my shoulder and pulls my attention to him. “We’ll figure this out. No one’s coming near my sister.”

I turn back to my men, who are cleaning the space. “Bring him to the Vaults. I want everyone to see what happens if they come after my wife.”

Damon and Xander are already waiting when Bash and I show up to the Vaults.

“Why the fuck didn’t you call us.” Damon shoves my robe into my chest hard enough to knock the air from my lungs.

“We had it handled.”

“You had it handled?” Xander yells. It’s so unlike him I take a step back. “You rammed your car into theirs. Do you have any idea how fucking dangerous that was?”

“It worked, didn’t it?” Bash gives Xander a cocky grin, and I have to catch Xander before he can punch his little brother.

“If you’re mad, be mad at me. It was me who brought him, after all,” I cut in.

Damon shoves me again. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m fucking mad at you.”