“Me too,” Ruby adds.

“So, I’m guessing you heard everything.” I look at Ruby. It isn’t a question and I’m referring to the part where I said I would marry her now.

“I heard everything,” she confirms with her cheeks tinged pink. “Ask me next year at graduation. Right now, I want to just enjoy this time with you.”

“Does that mean you’ll stay with me in the hockey house next semester?” I ask her.

Hayden groans. Abuela smacks him as he rubs his palms down his face.

“You’re going to have to get used to us together, Hayden, he’s going to be your brother-in-law one day,” Ruby goads, and my heart grows just a little bit bigger. Every day it grows, and I love her more than I ever thought I would.



We are in the Tristate Arena in St. Paul, Minnesota. We’ve been here for several days, participating in the Frozen Four championships. Last night was a close call. It was the semifinal against Denver, and we almost blew it. Luckily, Finn swept in at the last second and scored a goal. It meant we didn’t have to go to a shootout, which is what we all thought was going to happen. That is why we are here tonight at the finals playing against Boston College. They’ve won the championship almost as many times as Riverside U. If we win tonight, we will also break a record for the number of championship wins.

Coach Heaton gave us his spiel in the locker room. He’s worked us damn hard this season and it’s a moment like this when it feels like it’s all paid off, but we can’t get cocky. This game is going to be war. The anthem just finished, and the teams are ready to go.

Finn is facing off against a forward from Boston. Hayden is his right wing; Aaron is on the left. Cade and I are on defense. The puck drops and I can hear myself breathing. All of us have a lot riding on the line. My gaze is focused on the movementof the puck. I watch how it drops to the ice and Finn and the other player take their shot, but Finn is a millisecond faster and shoots it across the ice toward their net. Everyone is moving fast. Hayden is crossing the ice and Cade and I are making sure they are getting access to some clean shots by keeping their players away. I get checked into the boards but because I recover quickly the ref hasn’t blown the whistle. Fuck that shit. Aaron sweeps in from the left but he can’t take the shot so he shoots the puck to Finn who shoots and, fuck yeah, he has the first goal of the night. I look into the crowd, wondering if I can see Abuela and Ruby. I can’t see them but I know they are here.

We all fist bump each other before the game starts up again. We play hard for the rest of the period. Aaron scores a fast goal, giving us a nice upper hand.

By the second period, Coach Heaton is warning us not to get lax. Things can change in the blink of an eye. We go back on the ice laser focused. Coach has Luc on the net tonight and he’s blocked about ten shots already. Brody is our center now and his wingers are Seth and Tyler. Everyone is so pumped you can feel the adrenaline in the air.

“We need this win, bro,” Hayden says.

“We’re getting it. There is no choice,” I agree.

We watch the guys killing it on the ice. Boston scores a goal on us, but we are still one ahead of them. Our guys have made it close to Boston’s net. Tyler sweeps around the back while Brody is fighting it out with one of their wingers. Brody gains control of the puck and shoots it to the left where Tyler comes in and takes a crazy shot. I’m holding my breath because from this angle it may hit the post. Their goalie isn’t expecting it to go through and he snaps his knees together, hoping to block it, but it slides past the post and hits into the back corner of the net.

We all lose our shit hollering. Even Coach Bailey pumps the air and she’s usually as chill as a cucumber.

When we break for second period, Coach Heaton drives home the fact that we aren’t winners yet. The score is three to one. They could have fast goals, and this game could go to shit. He plays first line and Cade and me on defense again.

“Let’s get these motherfuckers,” Cade cheers, fist bumping me.

We head onto the ice with determination. Boston is playing strong because they are fighting for what feels like their life. We all work so hard and at the end of the day each team wants their win.

Cade has a brilliant save on our net when the center from Boston moves in on our net. Luc has had a phenomenal season as our goalie. Hayden gets hold of the puck and takes it across the ice. He’s fast and stealthy as he skates faster than Boston’s players. Finn and Aaron trail behind him and I am close by to block the players. A player from Boston fights him for the puck when he gets close to the net. Hayden manages to gain control and shoots to Finn. I move in on the player and block him as Finn shoots the puck back to Hayden. Hayden makes the goal and I can just imagine how proud Abuela and Ruby are in this moment.

The rest of third period goes by in a blur of blocking shots. We get close to Boston’s net but we don’t get another goal. When the buzzer goes off and we are declared the winners, we all go wild. After hugging my teammates and shaking the coaches’ hands, it’s Ruby I’m looking for. I spot her in the crowd and our eyes lock. She blows me a kiss and I feel it straight in my heart. Everyday I’ve grown to love her more and I didn’t think that was possible. She spends most nights in my room, but we try to be as respectful and discreet as we can around Hayden. He’s moving out of the hockey house soon and not having him around is going to be hard.

Hayden and I hug it out. “I can’t believe we made it together this year.”

“I know, it’s a crazy fucking dream,” I say, feeling so pumped.

As children, both of us had a dream and tonight it came true. The next dream is the Stanley Cup, but I obviously need to wait to draft.

After we finish the ceremony, all of us head to the locker rooms to shower and have interviews. As a defenseman I do not always get asked to interview. Since tonight is one of those nights, I wait for Hayden to finish his interviews. We head out to find Ruby and Abuela.

Ruby runs into my arms, and I swing her off her feet.

“You were amazing,” she tells me and kisses me.

“Easy there,” Hayden says from behind me, but I hear his lighthearted tone.

Ruby hugs him too and kisses his cheek, and I reach over to hug Abuela.