“Are you doing okay?” Abuela asks. The holidays have always been hard for me since my parents have been gone. Abuela is the only one I ever spoke to about it.

“I’m good,” I assure.

She gives me an inspecting look, like she is trying to get in my head. “I promise I’m good. Things have been going well. I’m looking forward to spending the holiday with you.”

“Hayden’s heading to Tampa,” she says, even though she knows I know. It’s more like she wants to know my feelings on the matter.

“I’m happy for him. It’s a great city and an exceptional team. He’s going to be happy there and we’ll have a free place to crash for vacation,” I reply. “I just hope I end up on a good team next year.”

“You will. I’ve been watching the games. You’re having a good season so far. Your stats are great and I know that grandson of mine wants the Frozen Four championship so bad he can taste it,” she says.

“I need it too.”

“I know. So what is with your friend? He was a little too friendly with the girls. I don’t want Mario pulling out any shotguns,” she observes quietly, leaning into me.

“Luc will behave. Hayden and I will make sure.” I give my word.

“He must really be liking Tampa for him to extend his stay this time of year,” she remarks.

“It seems like it,” I reply, remembering he wanted to surprise her tonight.

“Come upstairs. I have a table set up buffet style with food. You guys must be hungry with all the travelling,” she urges.

I head to the bedroom to call Luc just as Ruby is leaving the bathroom. She’s taken off her white puffer jacket and she’s wearing a tight white turtleneck with her leggings.

We head up the stairs. Abuela is followed by Luc. Ruby is in front of me. I give her ass a light smack. She yelps and begins to cough and when we get upstairs, she is shooting playful daggers at me with her eyes.

We walk into the dining room and say hello to the rest of Mario’s family. We also introduce Luc.

When I go to grab a plate, Ruby mouths, “Are you crazy?”

I smile and shrug. She’s a little pissy about that ass slap.

“For you,” I retort.

“Barf,” I hear from behind me as Riley walks into the room and up to the dining table covered in food.

“I’d still appreciate your discretion,” I say to her.

“Wow, still keeping the secret,” she says.

“What secret?” Vicky asks.

“That Hayden is in to you,” Riley tells her.

WTF.Ruby looks at me wide-eyed. We both know Hayden is not in to her.

“Really? Because I haven’t heard from him since we were here for Thanksgiving,” Vicky replies.

“Oh, is that the fucker?” Jocelyn asks.

“Excuse me, but you’re speaking about my brother,” I interrupt.

“And my teammate,” Luc adds, butting into the conversation. “That kind of talk isn’t necessary. However, I’m a super nice guy and I’ll tell you to your face that I’m not looking for anything serious, but I’m always up for fun.”

“Fun? Did someone say fun?” Summer says, moving into the conversation.

Ruby rolls her eyes at me, and we both take some lasagna and sit off to the side with the parents while Luc happily chats up the girls.