I head to my software construction class. A nervous excited energy radiates through me as I anticipate seeing Macklin tonight. Will tonight be the night?
After class, I head to the track. It’s just outside the sports complex. I get ready for practice and see Charlie as I’m leaving the locker room.
“I’m happy we have practice, or I feel like I would never see you,” I tell her.
“I’m sorry, Rubes, this semester has been crazy,” she states. “I better get changed quickly. I’ll see you on the track.” She leans in to give me a quick hug.
I head over to the track and stretch. I wish I could talk to Charlie about this whole situation with Macklin. I kind of know what to expect from sex, but I’ve really only ever kissed a guy.I’m pretty sure my brother scared off all the guys back home and that’s why no one wanted to date me.
Charlie heads on to the field and Coach Rutledge blows her whistle. She instructs us on what to do for practice. At least the weather is cooling so these afternoon runs aren’t as brutal as they were a few weeks ago. When we are done with our run, Charlie is watching me carefully.
“Is everything okay?” she asks.
“Yeah, why?” I ask her back.
“I don’t know, you seem a little antsy.”
I want to laugh at her choice of words.
“I just have a lot of work I need to get done. I think I’ll head home and do it there. Are you planning on coming home tonight?”
“To sleep, yes.” She gives me a sheepish smile.
“How long are you planning on staying away from him?” I ask of the hockey captain, Finn Heaton.
“As long as it takes,” she replies. “I’ll be at the library until late.”
I hate that relief washes over me at her words. I feel guilty about not sharing this momentous occasion with her, but Macklin and I are crossing a line that can’t be uncrossed. I know the stakes are high. I trust him and feel close to him. I’ve crushed on him since I was a teenager. The situation seems like a no-brainer and, most importantly, it isn’t any of my brother’s business.
We head into the locker room to shower after practice. Charlie and I are always careful about what we say in the locker room. Everyone can basically hear everything and some of the girls on the team love gossip, especially about guys on the hockey team and basketball team.
I head back to the hockey house after practice. No one’s home and I head to the kitchen to make some dinner. Finn, thehockey captain, likes to cook a lot of the meals in the house and Charlie usually helps, but since they aren’t coming home tonight, I figure I should whip something up for Macklin and me.
I make a quick chicken stir-fry with some rice. Then I head to my room and get some homework done at the desk. My new bookcase sits beside the desk. I stare at it and smile when I notice a little note.For you, Periwinkle.
I hear the front door open, and my heart stutters with excitement. He’s home. I don’t want to seem overeager and run into his arms, even though that’s kind of what I want to do.
“Periwinkle,” he calls out and it feels like his excitement matches mine.
Butterflies flutter inside me from the special name he calls me, which feels more like an endearment now.
I open the door to my bedroom. “Hi.”
“Are we the only ones here?” he asks.
“Now you ask after calling out Periwinkle?” I joke.
“Damn, you’re right. I need to be more careful.” He winces.
“Charlie’s out for the night and you said the guys are going out too,” I remind.
“They left,” he confirms.
“I made some dinner. Do you want to eat first?” I ask.
“First?” He watches me with a deer in the headlights look in his eyes.
“Rubes, we’re not having sex tonight. You can’t just have sex with someone. We need to work up to it.”