When Hayden walks through the door, he looks tired.

“Hayden,” Ruby screeches and she runs up to him and hugs him so tight she’s squeezing him.

“I can’t breathe,” he croaks.

“Let him come in and put his things down,” Abuela urges.

“I was worried,” Ruby says, smacking him across the chest.

“Sorry, but I had some thinking to do,” he says, and he looks at me.

I stand but keep my distance, just in case he’s still in a mood to swing fists. I know he went to Toronto to see Shane. I just hope Shane kept his mouth shut about Saugatuck.

“Hey, bro, do you think we can talk?” I ask Hayden.

He nods.

“Is the kitchen okay?” I ask and he nods again and follows me.

“I just want to say how sorry I am for sneaking around with Ruby. It was never about deceiving you. Ruby wanted us to have time on our own without outside interference. It didn’t sit well with me but the whole situation was about her and what she wanted, and I found I couldn’t say no to her,” I explain.

He scratches at his jaw. “Now that you’ve had the time and I don’t know how long that is. . .”

“It’s been some time, bro. Maybe a month into school or so. I don’t want to lie. I want to lay everything out on the table,” I say to him, feeling every muscle in my body tense.

“So lay it out, bro. What is Ruby to you?” he asks blatantly.

“She’s everything.” I sigh. “I love Ruby. I want a life with her. I know I’ve had a bad reputation with women. I think it’s because deep down I always wanted her and felt like she was off limits.”

“She was off limits, but knowing that this is serious for you changes things. Ruby is amazing and she deserves the best,” Hayden confirms.

“I couldn’t agree with you more. I want to give her everything and I was always scared. I couldn’t let my issues get in the way, but I won’t let that happen anymore. Because of how things went down, I am seeing clearly now. I know what kind of life I want to have with Ruby, and I truly believe I can make her happy,” I share, hoping I am convincing him with my sincerity.

“What changed?” he asks. “I’m sorry for being a prying asshole, but Ruby is my baby sister. I’ve watched out for her since I was a small boy. I can’t just turn that shit off.”

“I don’t want you to, bro. I’m happy you have her back. What changed is . . .that I tried to repress a lot of my memories from my childhood. My life with my parents. I think it’s because my life changed so drastically that burying those memories made life bearable. Abuela recently reminded me of the details I hated to remember. I’m at a point where I can take those memories and cherish them, but also remember how good my life was before my parents were taken from me. They were good people, Hayden. My dad loved my mom very much and she loved him. They were a team, and I was there most-prized possession, and they showed me that love every day,” I explain to him.

“It’s hard to lose something so great,” he says with tears filling his eyes. “I wouldn’t know. Abuela was an upgrade for Ruby and me.”

“I know but I want to give her the kind of life I had. I want to make her happy every single day. Hell, I would ask her to marry me now if I didn’t think it would freak her out,” I admit, my voice filled with an excitement I’ve never felt. It feels like a heaviness inside me has been set free. It’s because of these last few days and everything that went down, but it’s also because I see acceptance in Hayden’s eyes.

“I don’t know what to say. . .” Hayden bows his head before looking up at me. “I freaked out. The way Riley got up and spoke about you guys made me lose it. I should’ve stayed and heard you out. I’m happy for you and Ruby, and I get it now,” he says.

“Get what?” I ask him.

“Ah, it’s nothing, bro. I just saw some shit with Shane. The ladies are on him and his teammates like magnets, but none of that shit is real,” he shares.

“I know, trust me. Being with Ruby has made me want things I never thought I would have. Now the world seems full of possibilities,” I declare.

“Shit, you have it bad,” he jokes and then he smacks my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug. “I’m happy for you, bro. For both of you. But don’t get all touchy feely in front of me, it’s going to take time to adjust.”

“Thanks for understanding,” I say to him. “Now, I think you should come out to the family room because your sister is making me watch aDora the Explorermovie and I need saving.”

“I’ll come watch the movie, that shit is next level. You don’t need saving, you got things right,” he says, and he follows me to the family room. Ruby has the movie on pause.

Hayden takes a seat beside Abuela.

“I’m glad you two worked things out,” she says.