I go to lie on the bed.
I get a text from Macklin.
Macklin: Are you okay?
When I check my phone, I see I have many missed calls and texts from Charlie. When there’s a light knock on the door I sit up. Charlie walks in a moment later.
“Luc just asked me why you lied about being in the bathroom,” she says and my heart drops because it means Cade caught my lie and went straight to Luc or Luc saw me leave the bathroom and lie to Cade. Either way I’m screwed.
You’re Into Kinky Stuff
“What did you say to him?” I ask Charlie as I begin to pace in the small space of my room.
“I told him you were in the bath but then you came into Finn’s room to talk to me, and then we all went into Mack’s room,” she says. “You know I’m not quick on my toes.”
“Do you think he suspects something?” I ask.
She shrugs. “I couldn’t tell.”
I pick up my phone and text Macklin.
Me:Luc just asked Charlie why I lied about leaving the bathroom. I think he suspects something.
It only takes a few seconds to reply.
Macklin:I’ll go talk to him. Don’t worry.
“What did he say?” Charlie asks.
“He said he’ll go talk to Luc. Should I be worried?” I ask her. Luc is the quiet one. I don’t have a good read on the type of guy he is.
“No clue. Let’s hope he can figure out what he knows,” Charlie says. “Come, let’s go make some food, I’m starving.”
I take a scrunchie and put my hair up in a bun then I follow Charlie to the kitchen. This day has been so amazing. I don’t want it all going to shit with my brother’s friends finding out before him that Macklin and I are together.
“What should we make for dinner?” Charlie asks.
“Do you mean what am I in the mood for? Because you know I am not cooking anything half decent on my own,” I remind my best friend in case she doesn’t remember.
“Okay, what are you in the mood for?” she asks.
“Comfort food. I need a good grilled cheese sandwich. Even though I ate waffles for breakfast. My diet has been shit.”
“We’re on break. We get to indulge a little,” Charlie says, which surprises me because she has been training to try out for Team USA, and she’s been very strict with her food intake.
“Thanks,” I say to her because I know she is going to eat grilled cheese because of me.
She goes to the freezer and takes out some thickly sliced bread. “I’ll just make it for all the guys, I’m sure they’re all hungry.”
“Did Aaron say anything about Mack and I staying behind?” I ask Charlie.
“He did ask why you guys weren’t joining us, but I told him Mack still had an exam and you were going in to train. He bought it and thought you’re really dedicated,” she says.