“If we had avocado I could’ve made guacamole,” I say.

“It’s good, bro. At least I know we won’t go hungry next year with Finn gone.” Aaron chuckles.

“True that,” Cade adds and fist bumps Aaron.

“Cade can cook,” I remind. “I hate cooking so everyone will need to pitch in. You’re all lucky I wasn’t in the mood for takeout tonight.”

Everyone digs in and it feels kind of nice to be feeding everyone. When I was growing up Abuela taught me a few easy recipes, just in case I was hungry and she wasn’t around. There were times she took Hayden and Ruby camping, and Leila didn’t allow me to go.

Thinking back to those days makes me lose my appetite, so I redirect my thoughts. I remember Hayden is leaving town tomorrow.

Just as I have the thought, he speaks up. “I’m going to Florida tomorrow,” he announces. “Tampa Bay invited me to spend the weekend with the team and watch their game tomorrow night.”

Cheers of congratulations break out around the table. We all know what an invitation like that means. It’s an early contract. Everyone is asking Hayden questions. Ruby is quiet and she looks my way and, in her eyes, I see so many words and emotions. She is telling me she wants to have sex with me this weekend.

“If you have your own hotel room then maybe we can come along,” Cade suggests.

“Bro, I’ll be busy,” Hayden replies.

“But we don’t need to be with you, we can just crash in your room,” Cade redirects.

“Who wants to come?” Hayden asks, looking at the guys.

“I can’t,” Finn says.

“Neither can I,” Aaron adds.

“I can,” Luc chimes.

“So just the two of you?” Hayden asks. He clearly knows I am not spending that kind of money on a plane ticket.

They nod.

“I guess it should be okay, if you guys don’t pull any nonsense. This is my future,” he reminds.

“We can just chill by the pool,” Cade plans.

I think Hayden feels bad for him after everything that went down with Scarlett.

“Okay, yeah, that’s cool,” he says.

Cade and Luc bump fists.

We all finish dinner and the guys clean up. And me, I’m doing the math. It means that Ruby and I will be here all weekend without her brother. We will have Charlie and Finn here and Aaron. Aaron will probably be out, and Finn and Charlie have a hard time leaving the bedroom. Besides, Charlie is Ruby’s best friend, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s told her something about us.

I head up to my room to prepare for my last exam tomorrow.

A text comes in from Ruby.

Ruby:What’s the plan?

It takes me a moment to answer because I don’t know what to say. I want her so bad but… I don’t want to let her go. I also can’t say no to her. I never could.


We Aren’t Permanent
