Aaron laughs and I remain quiet. We arrive to Fair Shot and we all get out of the car. We meet Cade with Annie and Briar in the parking lot. Briar’s SUV had to go into the shop so Cade was nice enough to offer them a ride tonight.
“Hey,” I cheer as I walk over to my girls. I give each of them a hug.
“It feels like forever since we’ve been here,” Annie says.
“It has been forever,” I reply dryly, since we were here months ago with Charlie. She and Finn got off on the wrong foot and things were tense back then.
We all head inside. The guys booked two lanes. We divide up with Cade, Hayden, me, and Briar on one lane; and Annie playing with Luc, Aaron, and Macklin in the other.
The waiter comes around and we all order beer.
Then we start throwing some axes. We are all hanging out and having fun when Cade whips around and says, “What the fuck?”
His reaction makes all of us look in the direction he’s watching. Scarlett is here and her tongue is down some guy’s throat. I’ve heard rumors of her cheating and she hasn’t been by the house as much as she used to, but I know Cade didn’t have it in him to break things off with her.
Cade stalks away without saying a word. He charges toward Scarlett. Her blond hair is on her face and must be blocking her vision because she doesn’t notice Cade standing beside her with his arms across his chest looking peeved. The guys all follow behind him. I love how they have his back but keep a bit of a distance.
“What should we do?” Annie whispers. “I feel so bad for him.”
We trudge a little closer to the guys to hear Cade clearing his throat. That causes Scarlett to take a pause as she slowly pulls away from the guy. Her blue eyes pop when she takes in Cadebeside her. “Honey, this is nothing. It was a dare.” She laughs and it’s so fake.
“I’m fucking done, Scarlett. This is bullshit. I don’t know how I’ve put up with your lies this long.”
Scarlett stands and walks over to him. “Honey bunch,” she places her palm on his chest. Her long red fingernails splayed across his muscles.
“Take your fucking claws off me,” he barks, radiating anger but also hurt and betrayal lace his tone.
“Cade, there you are, babe,” Annie says, coming out of nowhere she walks around to his side and places her palm on his chest which causes Scarlett to take a step back. Then she’s leaning in and kissing him. I think it’s going to be a quick kiss, but she tugs on the back of Cade’s head, pulling him closer to her, and deepens the kiss. Suddenly they are making out. All of us are in shock but not as shocked as Scarlett.
“What the hell is this, Cade?” she shrieks.
But he’s too busy making out with Annie to pay her any attention.
“Let’s get out of here, Calvin,” Scarlett says, looking pissed. She walks away with the guy and Cade and Annie are still kissing. People around us begin to holler and cheer because it was quite clear what just happened here.
“Show’s over, she’s gone,” Macklin announces, but they continue to kiss for a few more seconds until Annie pulls away, and when she does, they both look flushed. Annie is a red head; she has freckles and a naturally pink tinge to her skin, but now she is full-on blushing and her lips are bee-stung swollen. She gives Cade a bashful smile.
He licks his lips. “What was that?” he asks her.
“You’re welcome.” She winks, pats his chest, and walks back to our ax throwing booth.
Briar and I follow her, but I hear the guys asking Cade if he’s okay. He seems to be in shock and my guess is it has nothing to do with Scarlett. That kiss they just shared was fire.
“Um, do you want to explain what just happened there?” I point back to Cade.
Briar waits expectantly too.
“Come on, the guy was drowning. He needed a lifeline and that was me.” She shrugs.
“Um, holy shit. That was hot,” Briar agrees wide-eyed.
“No big deal.” Annie brushes us both off.
“No big deal, my ass,” I add.
Annie laughs. “He’s a good kisser. I did a good deed.”
“Annie, you don’t just go around kissing guys,” I remind her.