ILove Trouble with You
We head inside a bar. Both girls are sophomores, but they have fake IDs.
“What’s up with you?” Hayden leans in and whispers as we wait at the entrance to be seated.
“Nothing,” I whisper back.
He gives me a look that says he isn’t buying my bullshit. What can I do? Say I’d rather be back at Mario’s house watching a movie and holding Ruby in my arms?
He raises his brows. “Bro, I’m not into her.”
Hayden’s blue eyes widen. “She’s fucking hot.”
“Not my type,” I insist.
“Do I need to take your temperature?” he jokes.
“Fuck off,” I retort.
Hayden knows me better than anyone and maybe before Periwinkle I would have been into that girl, but Periwinkle is everything I always wanted. No one else would ever match up.
Hayden shakes his head just as the hostess takes us to a table.
Hayden sits beside Vicky, which leaves me sitting beside Riley.
A waitress comes up and we order drinks. Hayden and I both get Cokes, but the girls take out their fake IDs and order some kind of margarita.
“Why aren’t you guys drinking?” Vicky asks and she slides her hand under the table and clearly onto Hayden’s thigh.
“I’m driving,” Hayden reminds her.
“I’m not in the mood,” I say.
“We can change that,” Riley flirts, and she slides her hand up my thigh. I get so startled I jump out of my seat.
“I’m going to the men’s room,” I stutter, walking away.
I text Ruby from the bathroom. I want her to know I am not into this girl. I won’t be touching her. This whole situation is messed up. I should’ve known better than to start with Ruby, but my mind and heart were at odds with each other, and clearly, my heart won.
I head back to the table at the same time the waitress brings our drinks. The girls chat us up, asking a lot of questions about playing hockey.
“I heard the frat parties are dope,” Vicky states.
“We should totally come visit one weekend,” Riley adds.
That’s a terrible idea. These girls are Mario’s granddaughters and Abuela is serious about him. We can’t mess them over in any way because it could cause conflict.
“You good?” Riley asks, which I find weird because I don’t know her all that well.
“Yeah,” I reply, not feeling like I need to give an explanation.
“Cool.” She slides a hand over my thigh again. I lift it up and put it back on her lap. “Come on, aren’t you up for a little fun this weekend?”
Hayden is watching us. He isn’t surprised by her forwardness, so it must be my reaction that has him giving me a questioning look.
“Ri, chill a little,” her cousin Vicky warns.