Me:Sounds like a plan, Periwinkle.

I don’t feel settled, so I get ready to head out for a jog. Finn has left the house. He’s probably gone to look for Charlie and all the guys are doing their own thing. The family room is empty. I eye the door to Ruby’s room, but I don’t go near it. Instead, I head out into the cool night air. I jog far enough that I end up in the small town connected to Riverside. There’s a florist shop and its lights are still on.

I walk in. “Are you guys open?” I ask because some of the lights are dimmed.

A young woman smiles. “For the next five minutes we are.”

“Do you have irises in a periwinkle blue color?” I ask.

She gives me a curious look. “It is a rare color, but we just so happen to have gotten a delivery of some yesterday. Were you thinking of a mixed bouquet?”

“I’ll come back for that another day. Right now, I just need one flower,” I say. “I know that sounds weird but given my situation, it’s all I can offer her.”

“Ah,” she says like she may understand, which she probably doesn’t. “Forbidden love?”

I nod.

She takes the periwinkle blue iris out of a vase and attaches a vial on the bottom. Then she wraps it in a clear cellophane and ties a matching blue ribbon around it. “This one is on the house, but please come back when you’re ready for a full bouquet.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it, but let me pay you for the one flower. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever have a chance to come back for the full bouquet,” I reply, and it earns me a solemn frown from her.

“Well, I hope that isn’t true,” she says. She charges me for the one flower, and I tap my debit card.

“Thanks, you have yourself a good night,” I tell her.

“You too,” she replies.

I leave and she locks up behind me. I jog back toward the house. Finn’s car isn’t on the driveway but other cars are here. I hide the flower inside my hoodie, hoping I am not going to completely ruin it. When I walk in the house, no one is around. I knock lightly on Ruby’s door but she doesn’t answer. I open the door and find her sleeping with her clothes on in her bed with no covers. I figure she must have been tired after our crazy tryst in the library. I place the iris on the pillow and kiss her forehead. Then I take the blankets and cover her.

I don’t know if Charlie is coming home tonight. Last I heard, she took off and doesn’t want to be found. I just hope it’s Ruby who finds the flower and not her because that will raise unnecessary questions.

I leave the room carefully and close the door without making a sound. I head to the kitchen for a glass of water. Hayden walks in a minute later.

“Hey, bro, where did you go?” he asks.

“For a jog,” I tell him.

“Things are pretty intense around here,” he states.

I agree.

“I spoke with Ruby. We’re going to take the bus next Friday afternoon into the city. Abuela wants all of us there early. Mario wants all of us to meet his family. They’re staying for the weekend too,” Hayden explains.

“A full house. Sounds intense,” I note, not liking the idea so much.

“It’s weird to think of Abuela with someone but she deserves this. She put her life on hold for me and Ruby. I’m happy she’s out of the apartment. She seems to really love their new house, and she’s head over heels for Mario and his children.”

“I’m happy for her. If anyone deserves the best, it’s Abuela.”

“So you’ll take the bus with Ruby and me?” Hayden asks and he gives my shoulder a brotherly squeeze.

“Thanks, bro. Yeah, I will.” I just hope things won’t seem awkward between Ruby and me now.

He yawns. “I’m beat. Have a good night.”

“You too, I’m going to shower and sleep. I bet Coach is going to whip our asses tomorrow morning to get us in shape for Wisconsin.”

“I have the same feeling,” he replies.