Hayden is in Ruby’s room and there is some whispering going on. He’s probably trying to get her to divulge where Charlie is, because having a captain who is a loose cannon this far into the season isn’t a good thing. Hayden leaves Ruby and Charlie’s room, shaking his head. As I predicted, Ruby is a loyal friend and isn’t giving away her best friend’s location.
I head to my room and drop my bag on the floor. I also text Ruby.
Me:R U okay?
Ruby:I can’t tell anyone where Charlie is. I know they care, but I have to respect my friend’s wishes.
Me:I know. I wish I could come down to your room and. . .
There’s a knock on my door and Cade walks in.
“What’s up, bro?” I ask.
“This isn’t looking good. Finn is threatening to quit the team. I get that he’s upset but we need him,” Cade says, looking nervous. Right now, our stats are really good, but we need our captain to win the Frozen Four.
“I know Finn, he isn’t going to leave us hanging. He’s loyal through and through. He’ll figure this thing out,” I assure my friend.
“Right,” Cade says, running a hand through his hair.
“Is there something else going on?” I ask him.
He exhales but it sounds more like a sigh. “I saw Scar walking on campus with a dude today. She didn’t see me, but they were holding hands.”
This doesn’t surprise me in the least, but I feel bad for my friend and don’t want to hurt his already wounded feelings even more.
“I’m sorry, bro. Did you call her out on it?” I ask.
“She feeds me the same stories every time. She says he’s a friend, but I’ve had it,” he says.
“Bro, no offense, I’ve heard this before,” I tell him. “There are different kinds of girls, you know? There are the puck bunnies who like to get around and will sleep with almost anyone headed to the NHL, and then there are the girls who have self-respect. They want more for themselves. They go for a guy when their feelings are genuine,” I explain.
Cade’s lips twist in a crooked grin. “What do you know about genuine girls?” He’s laughing now. I can’t blame the dude. I haven’t tried to be serious with a girl since I came to Riverside. The puck bunnies have served my needs just fine.
“Nothing, bro,” I reply because, shit, when do I ever give advice like this? It isn’t like me and it’s clearly because of Ruby. Since she moved in here, she turned my world upside down.Now this plan has me putting my heart on the line because I don’t think any guy is good enough to take her virginity. Hell, I’m not good enough either, but I’m selfish enough to take what I don’t deserve because I have been crazy about her for too many years.
Cade still watches me curiously. “Did you meet someone?”
“Nah, bro. I’m all about the bunnies.”
“But I haven’t seen a bunny come through in months, or are you sneaking them in at night?” he asks.
“Night,” I lie to my friend. Admitting that I am ruined isn’t the way to go. All these guys respect Hayden. I respect Hayden and here I am stabbing him in the back because I am too weak to say no to his sister, who is everything I’ve ever wanted.
He nods with understanding. “I get it. We have the girls living in the house. They aren’t used to our ways.” He winks.
“Exactly,” I confirm. Not that Cade is the type. He’s all about Scar.
“’kay, thanks, bro. I know what I need to do,” Cade declares. I feel for the guy. He has real feelings for Scarlett, I just don’t know if that girl is capable of love. She always seems like she is all over the place.
Cade leaves my room, so I go back to texting Ruby.
Ruby:Don’t leave me hanging.
Me:Sorry. Cade walked in. I just wish I could have you in my bed.
Ruby:Maybe we can make it happen soon.
Damn. She isn’t holding back, and it is driving me crazy. I didn’t feel so guilty when it was me just getting her off, but having her on her knees in front of me. The way she took my cock. Watching it disappear into that sinful mouth of hers. . .well, there is no going back now. I’m like a drug addict after their next fix, and Ruby is my drug.